Sketchy Things About Jill Biden's Ex-Husband Bill Stevenson

Jill Biden and Bill Stevenson divorced nearly 50 years ago, but that hasn't stopped him from using her name to secure a whole bunch of interviews. From accusations of affairs, to blaming the Biden family for his legal woes, Stevenson has made a ton of very bold allegations. That said, quite a lot of what he's said has been on the sketchy side. 

We'll start with how Stevenson says he met his ex-wife's now-husband, Joe Biden. Speaking to Daily Mail back in 2020, Stevenson claimed that he had been involved in local Delaware politics as a donor. Though he'd previously backed Republican candidate Caleb Boggs, he told Daily Mail their relationship soured after he brought up corruption. Enter, snarky claim number one: "Caleb Boggs told me, 'Get out of my office. Go see that joke Joe Biden running against me." Stevenson added that he did end up seeing Joe, gave more than $10 000 in cold hard cash, and hinted that the now-president ended up winning as a result of his involvement.

While we're not denying Stevenson did donate money to Joe's senate campaign, everything about this particular story feels a little like an attempt at taking a jab at his ex-wife's new husband. Mentioning that Boggs referred to Joe as a "joke" feels a little unnecessary, and the mention that he paid in cash is an obvious flex. It wouldn't be the last time Stevenson slated his ex and her husband using petty tactics, though.

Bill Stevenson also claimed Jill Biden cheated on him with Joe

Another scathing claim made by Jill Biden's ex-husband is that while he was helping with Joe Biden's campaign, the now-president had an affair with his wife. Stevenson told Daily Mail he wised up to it when he invited Jill to meet Bruce Springsteen in New Jersey, and she said no because she needed to babysit Joe's kids after his first wife died in a tragic car accident. However, speaking to Inside Edition, Stevenson said the silver bullet came when he had to pay for a crash that Jill's car was involved in, and he learned that Joe had been driving.

It's an incredibly dramatic story, no doubt. However, according to Jill, that's all it is. In a statement to Inside Edition, her spokesperson denied all of Stevenson's claims outright. The spokesperson also reiterated the account that the Bidens have always given of their relationship. That is, "Jill Biden separated from her first husband irreconcilably in the fall of 1974 and moved out of their marital home. Joe and Jill Biden had their first date in March of 1975." 

As for Stevenson's assertions that Jill got close to Joe during his run for the senate, Jill actually proved that allegation false in an interview with CNN that she gave several years prior in January 2012. Asked by Piers Morgan if the first time she met her now-husband was when he asked her out, she replied that they actually had met previously at a fundraiser. However, it had only been in passing.

Bill Stevenson blamed the Bidens for his brushes with the law

If you thought Bill Stevenson stopped at accusing the Bidens of having an affair and highlighting that Joe Biden's opponent referred to him as a joke, lol. He also accused the Biden family of having a hand in his legal issues, which saw him found guilty of fraud.

Speaking to Newsmax in July 2023, Stevenson shared that it all began when Jill sued him for one of his houses. "Frankie Biden of the Biden crime family comes up to me and he goes, 'Give her the house, or you're going to have serious problems," he said. "Needless to say, about two months later, my brother and I were indicted for that tax charge for $8200." In his interview with Inside Edition, Stevenson added that he was also found guilty of using bad checks at some point. Lumping that and the tax fraud together, he claimed that politics (or rather, his connection to a couple involved in politics) had everything to do with it. Well, that and using bad checks, we guess.

Neither Jill nor Joe has spoken about Stevenson's claims, so it's not clear if there was any ploy on their end to take him down. That said, the fact that Stevenson was found guilty of dodgy dealings suggests that even if his ex and her new husband had played a role in him getting caught, he wasn't exactly innocent.

Bill Stevenson had very contradictory things to say about Jill Biden

Despite everything Jill Biden's ex-husband has had to say about her, it's worth noting that Bill Stevenson has often made a point of noting that he has nothing against his ex-wife. In fact, speaking to Daily Mail, he even said, "I don't want to hurt her." Likewise, speaking to Newsmax in 2023, he claimed that he had no gripe with his ex-wife. "To this day I still care about her, to be perfectly honest, and everybody around me knows that," he said before explaining that Joe Biden was really at fault, and that it was the current president who introduced a lot more tension into their divorce trial.

Here's the thing: In a 2024 interview with Newsmax, Stevenson sang a very different tune about Jill's part in the divorce trial. In fact, he went as far as saying, "She was bitter. She was nasty, and she said things in the court that were crazy." Stevenson can't seem to decide on which version of the story he wants to tell when it comes to the divorce.

Bill Stevenson believes he knows Jill better than anyone

If Bill Stevenson's 2024 Newsmax interview told us anything, it's that he believes he knows Jill Biden best. In fact, he actually seemed to hint at being the foremost expert on the First Lady. "My take is the only take that can be taken seriously, to be perfectly honest," he announced. That would have been a yikes moment in itself, but Stevenson then went on to claim, "I'm the only one that can tell the truth about what's going on here." 

In addition to those statements, Stevenson then added that he knew so much about Jill because, "It has been 40 years that we've been married." We'd give him grace and say he meant that they hadn't been married for 40 years, but he then launched into his criticisms of Jill and being unable to recognize the woman she'd become, which is ... kind of giving Samantha Markle vibes, tbh.

As for his notes that he didn't know who she was anymore, we'll go ahead and file that under, "Obviously." With Jill and Stevenson parting ways close to half a century ago, we're not sure why he would even think he should recognize her.

Bill Stevenson blamed Joe's debate fail on years of lying

Given everything Bill Stevenson has had to say about the Bidens over the last few years, it's no surprise that he was quick to issue commentary in wake of Joe Biden's shocking performance at the first presidential debate. However, while many were left wondering if Joe's behavior at the debate was indicative of health issues, Stevenson was of the mind that it all came down to one thing: Lies.

Speaking to New York Post, Stevenson mused, "Maybe the lies and exaggerations caught up with him ... Maybe he doesn't know what's real and what's not real. I think the reality has disappeared in many ways. I think it's catching up. You enhance and lie and let people down and you lose what is real and not real." 

Of course, Joe has since announced that he is dropping out of the presidential election. Time will tell if Stevenson continues to speak on the Bidens in a few months' time, when the couple has moved out of the White House. Not that he ever did so to hurt them, as he's said countless times. That's totally not his intention, like, at all, you guys.