The One Cosmetic Procedure Nicole Kidman Admits To Getting

Nicole Kidman is one of many stars who's been accused of spending a fortune to change her looks, but she says she's only dabbled in cosmetic work. At least, that was her stance in 2011. During an enlightening interview with TV Movie, a German publication, Kidman owned up to testing out one of the less-invasive procedures. "I've tried a lot of things [to stop aging], but aside from sports and good nutrition, most things don't make a difference," Kidman shared, according to TV Guide. "I have also tried Botox." However, it was a temporary thing, as she wasn't happy with the results. "Now I don't use it anymore — I can move my forehead again!" That said, a lot can change in a decade, and many fans are convinced that the beloved actor has since added a few more anti-aging procedures to her arsenal.

Unfortunately, the speculation regarding Kidman's appearance has been unrelenting. "Is anyone else as disappointed with Nicole Kidman's need to stiffen her face?" wrote one user on Reddit. "She was one of the last beauties left ... Now she has weird puffed lips and stiff cheeks. Totally mortified here." Others have complained about Kidman's seemingly-altered appearance impeding their ability to appreciate her work. "Was anyone else distracted by Nicole Kidman's rubbery looking face?" asked a Reddit user about Kidman's appearance in "The Undoing." To get a professional's take, Nicki Swift consulted with Dr. Dan Yamini, Beverly Hills Board Certified Plastic Surgeon of Visthetic Surgery Institute and Medspa, who analyzed photos of Nicole Kidman spanning twenty years.

A doctor's thoughts on Nicole Kidman's cosmetic work

According to Dr. Dan Yamini, Nicole Kidman can probably check much more than Botox off her list of possible cosmetic work. "Upon reviewing the photos of Nicole Kidman from 2004 to 2024, it's evident that she has undergone several cosmetic procedures over the years," said Yamini. Earlier photos indicate Botox use, which Yamini said celebrities use for wrinkle reduction and smoother foreheads. However, Kidman's latter photos indicate a possible continuation of other "non-invasive treatments, such as dermal fillers, to maintain volume in her cheeks and lips." Dr. Yamini also thinks that Kidman may have opted for other treatments "such as laser therapy, chemical peels, and much more."

For her part, Kidman has admitted to using anti-wrinkle creams. "Neutrogena's Rapid Wrinkle Repair Cream won't cause you to break out or cause you to get a rash," said Kidman about her must-have wrinkle treatment to Allure. "It's a really great cream, and I give it to my friends of many different ages." However, Dr. Yamini thinks that the "Big Little Lies" star also indulged in Botox injections way past 2011, despite her previous assertion. "While she mentioned stopping Botox because it restricted her forehead movement, her photos suggest a more nuanced and refined approach," said Yamini, who also pointed out several indicators of continued use. "The smoothness of her forehead and the minimal appearance of crow's feet indicate the likely use of Botox, albeit more conservatively."

Why Nicole Kidman is aging in reverse

Nicole Kidman's plastic surgery transformation hasn't always inspired delicate conversation among fans, but just as many people appreciate her evolving, sometimes ageless look. According to Dr. Dan Yamini, Kidman's time-stopping appearance may be the result of several factors. "Between 2004 and 2009, she may have explored various treatments to achieve her desired look, including more sophisticated Botox applications, fillers, and potentially fat grafting to restore volume," said the plastic surgeon. However, "From 2019 to 2024," Yamini says Kidman benefited from advanced cosmetic technology, "such as non-surgical facelifts, radiofrequency treatments, and improved filler formulations, have likely contributed to her more youthful and refreshed appearance."

That said, Kidman herself has never gone on record to lay out the lengths she may have gone to for beauty's sake in recent years. However, she has opened up about a few skincare hacks. During a November 2022 interview with Forbes, Kidman shared a little about her beauty routine. "I wouldn't say I have a typical skincare routine as my routine definitely changes based on where I am (Nashville vs Sydney), what I'm doing (i.e; on-set or on vacation) and the weather," she said. However, Kidman has slowly introduced more oils, serums, and sunscreen into her skincare rotation. Past that, the "Moulin Rouge" star uses "Seratopical Gleaming Brightener and a spritz of our Harmony Face and Neck Toner." Of course, the star also believes in getting in her ounces of water.