Trump Doesn't Go Easy On Biden After Election Dropout News In Scathing Statement

Following President Joe Biden's announcement that he would "stand down" from seeking reelection in the 2024 United States presidential race and his subsequent endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee, Donald J. Trump delivered a scathing message of his own — and he didn't mince any words. "Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve — And never was!" Trump began in a lengthy post via his social media platform, Truth Social

Trump went on to denounce "all of those around" Biden, claiming that those closest to the current president along with the media were aware of Biden's purported inability to serve as president. He argued that as a result, the country's borders have suffered. "We will suffer greatly because of his presidency," he declared before delivering a message of hope, "but we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly." He then followed with his signature call to action, "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

Donald Trump doubled down in interviews

Shortly after President Joe Biden's drop out news, Donald Trump doubled down on his criticism of Biden during a phone call with NBC News. "Joe Biden is the worst president in the history," Trump told the news outlet while vowing to "fix what [Biden] has done." He went on to note that Biden "should never have been there in the first place ... He should have stayed in his basement." But that's not all. In true fashion, he circled back around to Truth Social with another scorching post that read, "Crooked Joe just got knocked out, so now I'll have to do it a FOURTH TIME!!!"

Alas, Trump didn't stop there. Upon learning that Biden had endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic presidential nominee, Trump told CNN that he believed Harris will be easier to beat than Biden. As you may recall, Trump referenced Harris as a "potentially new Democrat Challenger," on Truth Social (via Intelligencer) back on July 4. The former prez took a swipe at Harris as he poked fun at her for dropping out of the 2020 presidential race and even alluded to her previous relationship with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, whom she dated when she was 29 and he was 60.

Donald Trump Jr. is going after Kamala Harris too

Meanwhile, the former president's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., was also issuing some rather searing statements about Vice President Kamala Harris. The conservative businessman took to X, formerly known as Twitter, and opined that Harris was "even more radical than Biden!!!!" In another tweet, he pointed his finger squarely at Harris for the problems at the American border. "We saw the worst invasion of illegals in our history!!!"

As you may recall, both Donald and Donald Jr.'s comments are eerily similar to those of Donald's senior campaign advisor Chris LaCivita. During an interview with Politico (via AP News) at the Republican National Convention on July 18, LaCivita was adamant that should Vice President Kamala Harris become the Democratic nominee, not much would change for their campaign. "The last time I checked, it's Biden-Harris. So every single thing that Biden did is an issue that she is complicit in," he said. He also referred to Harris as the "Gaslighter-in-Chief" suggesting that she was guilty of leading others to falsely believe Biden was up to the task of serving as president of the United States.  

LaCivita was careful to note, however, that the campaign was preparing for absolutely anything. When asked whether or not the campaign was considering someone besides Harris taking over for Biden, LaCivita responded by saying, "We're a professional operation. What the hell do you think?"