Lawyer Tells Us HGTV Star Christina Hall's Lack Of Prenup With Josh Could Cost Her Big Time

Christina Hall has been married three times, so one would think she'd be pro-prenup by now. However, it turns out she and Josh Hall did not have one. In an exclusive interview with Nicki Swift, Los Angeles estate lawyer Arash Sadat of Mills, Sadat, Dowlatt LLP shared what that might mean for the HGTV star. Spoiler: Unless these two can come to a mutual agreement, things could get ugly.

Speaking about the ramifications of the former couple not having a prenup, Sadat explained, "No prenup means that Christina and Josh will need to fight it out in court over who gets what. This is obviously much messier — and more expensive — than distributing assets and income through an agreement." Sadat added that while most former couples try to negotiate for the best way forward, it wasn't a given. 

Unfortunately, at the time of writing, it seems Josh and Christina aren't on the same page, with Life & Style reporting that Josh wants alimony and an equal split of everything acquired during the marriage. Christina is asking for neither party to be awarded spousal support, and to get to divide things some time in the future. Sadly for Christina, Sadat said, it's pretty unlikely that her second request will be approved by a judge.

Christina may end up losing a ton of money in the divorce

Christina Hall is thought to be worth around $25 million, so it's no surprise that she wants to protect her assets as she divorces Josh Hall. However, as Arash Sadat exclusively told Nicki Swift, her plans to divide assets in her own time are not likely to get a judge's stamp of approval. "Josh's position is consistent with California law. Christina's position is not. It's not up to Christina to decide how the assets will be split. That's for the court to determine based on the evidence," Sadat said. 

Speaking of California law, Sadat explained that if the couple lived in the state, "Property acquired by either spouse during a marriage is generally considered community property and is presumed to be owned equally by both spouses. In a divorce, that property is split 50/50." 

As for alimony, we're not shocked that Christina has asked for that to be waived, either. After all, Sadat pointed out that when spousal support is granted, the party who earned more would generally be required to pay it. That's great news for Josh, who is reportedly worth between $3 million and $4 million. For Christina ... not so much. 

Christina may have to share the rights to her TV shows, too

Though the Halls weren't married all that long, during their time together they did work on a few HGTV projects together. For that reason, it's unsurprising that Josh Hall wants the rights to those TV shows split equally, too. Arash Sadat told Nicki Swift exclusively that it could happen. "They can be treated like any other income-producing asset. Assuming they are community property obtained during the marriage, the money that they generate can be split, and the rights themselves can be valued (likely by an expert witness), with each spouse receiving half of that amount," he said. 

As for the argument that Christina was the bigger star on the projects, Sadat said that wouldn't have any bearing. "Christina's name recognition isn't going to matter. If the TV rights are property acquired by either spouse during the marriage, each spouse will likely receive half of their value," he said. Fair is fair, we guess. 

Of course, Christina hadn't said goodbye to "Flip or Flop" just yet when she married Josh in April 2022, which means one TV show whose rights could be shared are linked to her ex-husband, Tarek El Moussa. However, Sadat said that wouldn't affect El Moussa at all, as any loss would come from Christina's profits. Don't forget your prenups, lovers.