5 Times Donald Trump Didn't Help Favoritism Rumors With His Kids

Most parents claim they don't have a favorite child, although researchers would beg to differ. A National Library of Medicine study found that 70% like one of their offspring more than others. Based on his past actions and comments, Donald Trump falls into that camp. However, his preferences flip-flop depending on his mood and circumstances.

The times Donald acted inappropriately towards Ivanka Trump, making gross comments about her physical appearance and voicing his attraction towards her, made his feelings at that time crystal clear. In October 2016, CNN uncovered a clip of Donald telling Howard Stern that his daughter didn't have breast implants. "She's actually always been very voluptuous. She's tall, she's almost 6 feet tall, and she's been, she's an amazing beauty," he said, assuring Stern it was OK for him to call Ivanka "a piece of a**."

Meanwhile, Donald's relationship with his youngest daughter, Tiffany Trump, has barely warranted a mention. As for his youngest son? Donald doesn't have a clue what's going on in Barron Trump's life, unless it's related to his height. So what about Eric and Donald Trump Jr.? The former has always appeared to be the forgotten third child, always ranking below his older siblings. Still, things may have taken a turn as Eric seems to have surged in his father's eyes, even possibly overtaking Ivanka and Donald Jr. We're checking out the times that Donald fueled the favoritism rumors about his kids.

Ivanka: The golden one

Ivanka Trump has always been a daddy's girl, the apple of his eye and, until recently, his clear favorite. Even Eric and Donald Trump Jr. acknowledged their father's preference for their sister. "Which is your favorite Trump child, and why is it Ivanka?" Don Jr. joked/not-joked to his dad in a June 2020 "Triggered" Father's Day special. "All the same, 100%," Donald shot back, convincing nobody. "I'll even say you for purposes of this interview, but other than that, all the same."

When Donald scored the top spot in 2016, Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, landed lucrative jobs within his administration. She was titled "assistant to the president" while he was a senior advisor. Donald regularly sang his employee's praises on X, formerly Twitter. "My daughter, Ivanka, just arrived in South Korea," he wrote in July 2018 when she attended the Winter Olympics. "We cannot have a better, or smarter, person representing our country."

However, the wind is changing. Ivanka distanced herself from Donald after his term in office ended, and as of this writing, she has been noticeably absent from his 2024 campaign trial. "This time around, I am choosing to prioritize my young children and the private life we are creating as a family," Ivanka announced after Donald launched his presidential bid (via the Financial Times). "While I will always support my father, going forward, I will do so outside the political arena."

Don Jr.: The political one

Ivanka Trump was clearly Donald Trump's favorite kid for years and was widely accepted to be in pole position to take over the reins of the family business. "She is the heir apparent of this Empire," banker Rosemary Vrablic claimed in an email that surfaced during the Trump family's 2023 civil fraud trial (via The Washington Post). Ivanka was even viewed as a future presidential candidate. However, Donald Trump Jr.'s star began rising after she stepped back from the spotlight, and he's been jockeying hard to take over the realm as Donald's political favorite.

Don Jr. constantly gushes about his dad. He's his number-one cheerleader, tirelessly campaigning and fundraising while ferociously defending his father and attacking his detractors. For his part, Donald always appeared lukewarm towards his oldest son, seemingly making it a one-way adoration street. Still, he switched gears and fanned favoritism rumors after announcing JD Vance as his running mate. The junior senator from Ohio was Don Jr.'s pick, and his appointment was seen as a clear indicator that he was now firmly in his father's favor.

"He's irreverent, he's got a lot of charisma, and the left doesn't like him," a source told NBC News. "Those are all the same characteristics that his dad has. ... You're basically getting, you know, excuse the pun, but the junior version."

Eric: The business one

Since Ivanka Trump bowed out of the race, many believe Eric Trump has taken over as Donald Trump's business favorite. A source told The Washington Post in October 2023 that out of all the siblings, Donald's third-born is in the most communication with their father, speaking with him regularly throughout the day.

Meanwhile, further fuelling the favoritism rumors, Donald appointed Eric's wife, Lara Trump, as co-chair of the RNC in March 2024. "Lara is an extremely talented communicator and is dedicated to all that MAGA stands for," Donald announced in a statement (via BBC). Not surprisingly, accusations of nepotism quickly arose. However, Lara was quick to shoot them down. "You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who has had as much political experience as I have in any campaign right now, and that's kind of unique to be able to say," Lara insisted to The Associated Press in May.

Meanwhile, some doubt the depth of Donald's feelings towards Eric, believing it's a case of just picking the best from a bad bunch. "Say you have two dogs in your house, and you hate them both, and one of them is running around constantly, eating your slippers and getting in the garbage can in the bathrooms," host David Roth claimed on the "New Abnormal" podcast in November 2023, explaining he viewed Don Jr. as the annoying one, while Eric was "the kind of dog that just sleeps in front of the refrigerator all the time."

Tiffany: The forgotten one

Donald Trump claims to love all of his five children equally. However, there is no disputing that Tiffany Trump has consistently played second fiddle to her older siblings. Tiffany is Donald's daughter from his second marriage to Marla Maples. After the couple split in May 1997, Marla moved to California with their only child, resulting in Tiffany rarely seeing her dad.

Despite seemingly growing closer once she reached adulthood, with Tiffany celebrating alongside Ivanka, Eric, Barron, and Donald Trump Jr. at their father's inauguration in January 2017, sources claim there's still a distinct coldness between them. "Tiffany and her father have sometimes gone for months without speaking, and she went a very long time without seeing him," a friend told People in April 2018. "The last time she was at a family function with him, it was awkward for her, and she didn't feel totally welcome."

Donald has done little to dispel rumors that Tiffany ranks at the bottom of the favoritism pole, as she often appears to be a mere afterthought. "Speaking of a job well done, we have two of my daughters here today: Ivanka, who is working hard on infrastructure! Ivanka ... and Tiffany!" he announced during a March 2018 initiative talk in Ohio.

Barron: The tall one

Barron Trump was just 11 years old when his father was sworn into office in January 2017. So, Donald and Melania Trump's only child managed to fly under the radar during his time in the White House. This may be why Donald barely mentioned Barron in speeches and interviews. However, he began cropping up more and more after Donald left office, most notably in boasts about his height, a subject very dear to his dad's heart and one that appears to have helped Barron massively gain favor. "I have a beautiful boy, Barron," Donald told the "Impaulsive" podcast in June 2024. "He's a big boy, 6' 9". 6' 9", yeah. And I couldn't get him to play basketball. He plays soccer. He's a good athlete, too. Good student, good athlete. But he's 6' 9. Good looking guy, but he is a tall one, there's no question."

Donald took a day off from his hush money trial in May 2024 to be front and center when Barron graduated high school. Still, Donald being Donald, he turned his youngest son's big day into some good old-fashioned politicking, claiming (falsely) in an epic Truth Social rant that the judge had denied his request for time off.

Meanwhile, favoritism rumors ramped up after Barron was picked to be a Florida GOP delegate, an invitation his mother announced he had to turn down because of his busy schedule. However, Barron did find time to attend Donald's Florida campaign rally on July 9. The teen didn't take to the stage but was photographed fist-pumping the sky to rapturous applause.