Eric Trump's Revelation About Wife Lara's Bedtime Thoughts Speaks Volumes About Their Marriage

There's no denying that the internet was tickled by Eric Trump's "X22 Report" revelation that his wife went to bed at night thinking about his father's political career. However, speaking exclusively to Nicki Swift, America's go-to expert on relationships, acclaimed television journalist and three-time author Dr. Wendy Walsh said this conundrum doesn't spell disaster for Eric and Lana Trump's marriage. 

To refresh, in late June 2024, Eric told the QAnon podast, "X22 Report" that the 2020 election results had affected Lara in a very big way. "She wakes up in the morning thinking about this, she goes to bed at night thinking about that very problem," he said via Ron Filipkowski. Cue some very amused Reddit users, who poked fun at what they saw as a weird aspect of Eric and Lana's marriage. "How to say you are the most boring husband ever," wrote one. Another responded, "'When my wife is in bed with me, all she thinks about is my father' is a weird thing to admit.'"

Even so, Walsh's take is that it could actually signify a very strong marriage. After all, she explained, "Relationships are a bridge between tribes ... better known as family systems." While she admitted that though we tend to hear more about nuclear family systems that didn't prioritize intergenerational family members as much, "Other families are more 'collectivist' and relate in ways that are more interdependent." The Trumps, she added, fell into that category. And, she pointed out, it certainly seemed to work for them.

Both Lara and Eric Trump are behind Donald, all the way

Given that Lara and Eric Trump have been together for more than 15 years without any real drama to write home about, it's pretty clear that these two make a successful couple. And, in her exclusive chat with Nicki Swift, Dr. Wendy Walsh pointed out that their collectivist family system may actually have a lot to do with that. 

"As a couple, both Lara and Eric likely share the idea that being loyal to 'Dad' is a family value, so, in my opinion, putting Donald above Eric is still a way of supporting Eric," she said. It's not the first time an expert has said something along those lines. In fact, back in 2020, body language expert Dr. Renée Carr told The List that Eric and Lara were super in-sync, belief-wise. Referring to another instance where the couple kept Donald Trump at the center of an interview, Carr told The List, "When Lara Talks, Eric appears confident in his wife's ability to intellectually respond." As for Lara, Carr noted, "Lara respects Eric as her husband but also his intelligence." 

Of course, it doesn't hurt that there have been professional advantages to both Lara and Eric supporting Donald Trump, contributing to an outrageously lavish life for the couple. As Walsh told us, "Towing the family business has benefited each of them." Wins all round, then.

Eric and Lara Trump's focus on Donald could still affect them

Even with the shared value system, in her exclusive commentary to Nicki Swift, Dr. Wendy Walsh did point out that Lara and Eric Trump could face some issues as a result of their commitment to Donald Trump. That said, her concerns were based solely on how much of themselves they dedicated to their cause. "The bigger potential issues in the marriage might only have to do with so many responsibilities competing for their time," Walsh explained. 

Walsh went on to highlight that Eric and Lara are also parents, which is another major responsibility outside of Donald's political career. "With both parents traveling globally and being stretched for time, it makes me wonder who is raising the kids," she mused, before noting that she had been impressed by seeing how hands-on Lara's mom seemed to be. "Eric himself spent his summers in eastern Europe being raised by his grandparents, so welcoming grandparents is wonderful to see!" she said.

Clearly, they're sticking with the collectivist family system! Sure, Eric's comments on "X22" may sound a little weird to some, but clearly, this works for the Trumps. As Walsh said, "It is important to respect each way that families organize themselves."