Joe Biden's 2024 Debate Behavior Raises The Biggest Red Flag Yet About His Health

The 2024 presidential debate had many viewers on the edge of their seats, but not for the reasons you'd expect. Minutes after the event began, viewers immediately noticed that something was off about President Joe Biden. Hitting the stage to face off with opponent Donald Trump for the first time this election cycle, the incumbent president did not appear to be the confident and collected orator we've come to know him as. In fact, his demeanor has some folks worried if he should be on the stage at all. 

Though normally a soft-spoken individual, the 81-year-old's vocal timbre sounded even quieter than usual — even with help of a microphone. On top of that, he appeared to clear his throat several times, and seemed to be moving at a slower pace than usual. The behavior comes as a particular shock, especially considering just hours before the event, the Biden social media account shared a photo of the president appearing in good spirits. But unfortunately, it seems that something changed in the hours since that optimistic photo was taken. 

Biden sounds very ill

Given that the debate started at 9 PM eastern, it would be reasonable to assume the president is tired from all the traveling. However, some believe his debate demeanor is indicative of something more serious. On social media, viewers pointed out the weakness in his voice, dilated pupils, and stoic appearance. "Biden is sick, Listen to his voice and look at his eyes. I hope they have doctors and nurses there" wrote one X user. Others clocked that he seemed to be mumbling and talking in circles. "Biden sounds sooooo concerning at this debate. His health has to be in the [trash]" mused another user. Some took things a step further, noting that his mannerisms were giving the energy of someone who could suffer from a medical emergency at any moment. "OMG. I didn't expect Biden to be this bad. This is seriously scary," wrote one concerned watcher.

Even worse, it's not just social media taking notice. At one point during the televised event, President Trump declared that he didn't comprehend a single word Biden said during one of his responses, and emphasized he didn't think Biden did, either. Although it remains unclear what is causing the president's unusual behavior, one thing is certain: It's not exactly reassuring for those who were already concerned about his health.

Biden's health has been a source of public concern for years

President Biden's health has been a topic of conversation among voters for years. Many have expressed concern over his speech and memory issues, with some questioning his ability to hold public office. Back in October 2023, one poll of voters found that nearly half of the respondents believed Biden's health was on the decline. And it looks like things didn't get any better in 2024. Per AP, in February, a special counsel report asserted that the president struggled with "fuzzy" and "faulty" memories. In response, Biden publicly denounced the claims. That same month, AP reported that the president had a clean bill of health from his doctor and was fit to run for office again.

Despite these assertions, those concerns have not lessened. And it seems Biden has given no reason for them to do so. In fact, less than two weeks before this first debate, some social media raised eyebrows over how unusual the president's behavior was at a 2024 Juneteenth celebration. Some outlets, like The Telegraph, reported that he looked lost and at one point, even appeared to 'freeze' in place. A White House spokesperson later told Newsweek that Biden's sudden stillness was no cause for worry as the he was simply abstaining from dancing. However, after witnessing the president's behavior at the first 2024 debate, it seems people aren't so far fetched for having some concerns. 

At the time of writing, no official statement has been released on behalf of the President regarding his health during tonight's debate appearance.