Donald Trump Accidentally Confirmed He Doesn't Talk To Melania & No One Is Surprised

While Dr. Phil McGraw mostly let Donald Trump vent about his hush-money trial on "Dr. Phil Primetime," another of the topics discussed was how Donald's guilty verdict has impacted Melania Trump. But, from the sounds of it, all that the former president can do is speculate about how his wife has been feeling, confirming everyone's suspicions that the Trumps are not exactly the chattiest couple. As Barron Trump did his best impression of his mother while receiving his high school diploma, the grim-faced graduate's parents were photographed looking unusually happy to be at an event together. But when McGraw inquired about how Melania has been coping lately, Donald started rambling and arguably even projecting his feelings onto a wife who apparently doesn't have much to say to him. 

"I think good, but I don't think it's an easy thing for her," the controversial politician shared (via X, formerly known as Twitter). However, in Trumpworld, hearing nothing from your spouse may actually be a positive sign. "I think if it wasn't good, she wouldn't want to tell me about it, to be honest with you, because she sees that I'm fighting like hell, I'm trying to become president and make America great again," Donald reasoned. Luckily for Melania, if she wants to know what's going on with her husband, she doesn't have to speak to him. The former first lady can always read about it in the papers — something Donald notably doesn't like.

Donald Trump dislikes his wife being dragged into his drama

Melania Trump never showed up in court to hear the sordid details about her husband's alleged affair with Stormy Daniels, but it really bugs Donald Trump that she can just read all about the misdeeds that made him a convicted felon. As he informed Dr. Phil McGraw, "It's not easy for her to read this kind of stuff that's fake," (via X). The former president acknowledged that it also bothers him when he has to share headline space with his wife, confessing, "It affects me more than it would if it were just about me. I wish it could be just about me." It's worth noting that Melania had plenty of time to stay up-to-date on her husband's trial as it unfolded. 

According to the New York Post, she and Barron Trump remained secluded in Trump Tower for almost two weeks during the highly-publicized proceedings, so at least she was in the same city as her husband. If Melania closely followed the trial, there were a number of things she likely saw or read that would upset Donald. According to AP News, he appeared visibly upset when Stormy Daniels claimed that he told her that he and Melania didn't share a bedroom. She also shared some advice that Donald definitely wouldn't appreciate, stating, "I don't know what their agreement may or may not be, but Melania needs to leave him," (via The Mirror).