The Scathing Claim Jill Biden's Ex-Husband Made About Her & Joe

It's no secret that both Joe and Jill Biden were married to other people prior to their own union. However, more than 40 years after they said their "I do"s, Jill's ex-husband, Bill Stevenson made a very bold assertion. That is, he claimed Jill and Joe's relationship began as an affair. 

Many are well aware that Joe's first wife, Neilia Biden died in a heartbreaking car accident in the early 1970s. The details of the end of Jill's previous marriage, though, only became public knowledge in 2020. At the time, Stevenson told the Daily Mail that he'd written a memoir — and that he'd been candid about Jill's alleged unfaithfulness in it.

According to Stevenson, he and Jill had met the now-president back when he was running for Senate. Stevenson explained that he'd funded part of Joe's campaign, and he, Jill, Joe, and Neilia ended up becoming pretty close. In fact, he shared with the outlet that they'd even sat together at the Biden family's kitchen table. However, after Neilia's death, Jill got significantly closer to Joe — and Stevenson claims that's where the problems started. Even so, he told the outlet that it wasn't until a very surprising situation involving Bruce Springsteen arose that he believed Jill and Joe were more than just close friends. 

Bruce Springsteen tipped Jill Biden's first husband off

That Bruce Springsteen is involved in this story isn't all that surprising when one takes into account that Bill Stevenson previously owned The Stone Balloon, a revered music venue. Stevenson says "the Boss" was scheduled to perform at the venue in August 1974, and he needed to take a road trip to pay the singer, so he invited Jill Biden along for the ride. However, she declined the offer, saying she already had plans. 

Pushed for what the plans were, Stevenson claimed Jill told him she was going to help Joe Biden with his children, who were still adjusting to the family's tragic loss. "I had no idea she and Joe were that kind of friendly," he told the Daily Mail (what was that about a kitchen table bonding sesh?). Not long after, he continued to allege, Jill's best friend reached out to warn him that there was something going on between his wife and Joe. 

The Daily Mail wasn't the only outlet Stevenson spoke to of the alleged affair. He also did a sit-down interview with Inside Edition, where he claimed the final straw came when he found out about a minor accident that had taken place in Jill's car, which he owned. Apparently, it was Joe who had been driving at the time. Stevenson claimed to have asked Jill about it, but was ignored — and then he asked for her to move out of their home. Movie plot, much?

Bill also made shady allegations against the Biden family

According to Jill Biden herself, Bill Stevenson's story is completely untrue. In fact, a rep for the now-first lady rubbished it in a statement to Inside Edition. "These claims are fictitious, seemingly to sell and promote a book. The relationship of Joe and Jill Biden is well documented," the statement said. 

That said, it's worth noting that the affair rumor wasn't Stevenson's only damning allegation against the Bidens. In fact, speaking to Newsmax, he also made a very bold claim against Joe's brother, Frank Biden. In the midst of the divorce, he claimed, "Frankie Biden, of the Biden crime family, comes up to me and he goes, 'Give her the house, or you're going to have serious problems.'" Stevenson didn't oblige — and not long after, he faced legal woes. As he told Inside Edition, said woes included a federal fraud indictment, and he hinted at the Bidens having something to do with it. TBH, fraud does tend get people into trouble, regardless of who their ex is married to, so we're not sure that's valid to be complained over.

Even with his numerous complaints (which, FYI, also included Stevenson recounting to Newsmax that Joe had once stolen one of his jokes), Jill's ex has also maintained that he doesn't begrudge the Bidens. Sure seems like it. As for the memoir he told the Daily Mail about, it's yet to be released.