How Eric Trump Fiercely Brushed Off Being Labeled A Nepotism Baby

It's hard out here for a nepotism kid. Just ask Donald Trump's three oldest children, Eric, Ivanka, and Donald Trump Jr. The latter two only narrowly escaped being indicted due to their involvement in the family biz. And the bros have been forced to pay the price for their privileged lifestyles by testifying at Donald's $250 million civil fraud trial. Still, Eric is doing his best to suck it up and roll with the familial favoritism.

Don Jr. and Eric's fraud trial testimonies shed light on their roles within the Trump Organization, sort of. The BBC notes that Don Jr. was cool as a cucumber when he took the stand, "Make me look sexy," he reportedly asked the sketch artist before proceeding to blame everything on the a-a-a-a-a accountants. Meanwhile, poor Eric's so overworked that he's unable to be cognizant of his conversations. "I have thousands of calls a day," he claimed. "I don't remember specific calls."

Given that the role of an executive vice-president is to be in charge of an organization's business activities, then Eric and Don Jr.'s insistence they have no clue about what goes on with the company's finances means they're either lying or really bad at their jobs — or a combination of both. But then, who cares if you're fit for a position or not when your dad's the boss? Don't cry nepotism to Eric, though; he insists he's where he's at because of his talent, brains, and work ethic.

Blood, sweat and tears

Eric Trump works hard for the money, according to Eric Trump. Donald Trump's third born is way more cagey about finances than his father. Still, Celebrity Net Worth estimates that Eric is worth in the region of $350 million. You could be forgiven for thinking that his fortune is purely down to being a billionaire's son, but not so, apparently.

Eric acknowledges that being born a Trump gave him a leg up in the world; however, he says his staggering fortune is because of outstanding talent, not privilege. "Nepotism is kind of a factor of life," Eric told Forbes in 2017. "We might be here because of nepotism, but we're not still here because of nepotism," he claimed. "You know, if we didn't do a good job if we weren't competent, believe me, we wouldn't be in this spot." Eric insisted that Donald is a harsh taskmaster. And if he didn't meet his dad's standards, he'd be out on his ear. Considering Eric's total ignorance of the day-to-day running of the company he's supposedly in charge of, competency is clearly subjective.

Meanwhile, Donald may believe that Eric, Ivanka, and Don Trump Jr. are up to the job, but they're still innocent young kids to him. The protective pa hit out at the judge who's overseeing his civil fraud trial for bullying the middle-aged toddlers. "Leave my children alone, Engoron. You are a disgrace to the legal profession," Donald raged in a 2.30 a.m. Truth Social rant.

Blue collar anointed one

Eric Trump's the son of a billionaire, but that doesn't mean he's always lived on easy street. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, he talked about his hard-working blue-collar roots. "We had a sledgehammer in our hands, and we'd go break down walls, or we'd go mow fields, or we'd go leaf blow," Eric alleged, explaining he comes from a background where if you wanted something, you earned it yourself through child labor.

Eric continued to wax lyrical to Kari Lake (via Newsweek). He said Donald made all of his kids work tirelessly. "I was on construction sites when I was 11, 12 years old doing demo, breaking down walls, concrete, sheet rock, plumbing, stuff I literally still do for myself these days," he insisted, sharing that he had to scrape by on minimum wage.

Meanwhile, Eric wants the world to know his family is being persecuted by minority groups. He made the absurd claim to "Prophet" Julie Green, and she was totally there for it. "It will not go the way they want it. Because God is on [Donald's] side," Green reassured Eric, claiming his dad is God's "anointed and appointed one." She insisted that he didn't need to worry because she could feel God's immense love for the Trumps. "He's not going to forsake you," she charged. "He's not going to let this continue." Let's hope God doesn't brush up on Matthew 19:23 anytime soon.