Is Hallmark's Kimberley Sustad Married? Meet Her Real-Life Husband

Kimberley Sustad doesn't just play the married life on screen; she's living it for real. If Sustad's face looks familiar, there's a good reason. She is one of the starlets of the Hallmark universe, particularly the Christmassy rom-coms. From 2022's "Three Wise Men and a Baby" back to 2012's "A Bride for Christmas," she has been one of the rosy holiday faces we see time and again. She was even one of the writers for "Three Wise Men" and "Christmas by Starlight." 

Not to worry though, the work is something she loves. "I've been very fortunate to be able to do Hallmark Christmas movies every year, and it sort of bumps you into the [mood]," she told Niagara Frontier Publications. "I kind of get into it in the summer, when we start filming these things, because that's when we're making Christmas movies. And then if I'm writing one, it feels like Christmas all year. All the time."

When it comes to love off-screen, there's one particular sweetheart in Sustad's life: Scot Sustad. So, what do we know about this fellow who captured this Hallmark ingénue's heart?

Scot and Kimberley were college sweehearts

Kimberley met Scot Sustad when they were students at Trinity Western University together. They started dating and became college sweethearts. Kimberley studied acting, while Scot studied International Studies. In 2004, they married and eventually welcomed two children together. Vienna and Ari. They live in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Scot Sustad is a five-time start-up entrepreneur. Those companies, in chronological order, include The Arrival Store Inc., Adventure Teaching, Brands for Better, Digital Hot Sauce, and Inbox Booths. He still works for the last three organizations. When it comes to his work life, Scot is quite descriptive on his LinkedIn profile. 

"I bring passionate people together to make things happen," he writes. "I'm all about building meaningful initiatives and organizations with people I want to spend time with. My focus is multiplying leaders, because if you can do that, well, there is no limit to the good you can create in the world #together." Clearly, this is someone who has spent a lot of time building up or building upon start-ups where collaboration is a key to success.

Together they have two daughters

Kimberley and Scot Sustad both seem to keep fairly low personal profiles online. So there aren't really definitive details about their lives together or their twins Vienna and Ari. Even so, on the rare occasion when Kimberley posts about the realities of life — and parenthood — she keeps it short, sweet, and candid. 

With the photo above, she acknowledged the silliness of her baby trying to bite her face while also showcasing the less desirable side of parenthood. "Hungry little bear. And yes, that's a giant puke on my shoulder," she wrote. 

Even if the couple doesn't share a lot about their lives online, we can safely assume that parenthood has only helped Kimberley's work on screen. Particularly for films like 2022's "Three Wise Men and a Baby" when the actors were "at the mercy of the baby," co-star Andrew Walker told People. The baby actors for that film were also twins who were switched out during filming to give each one their necessary breaks.