What We Know About John Legend's Political Views

John Legend may be a worldwide superstar, but at the end of the day, he's just like "Ordinary People" and cares about his country and what's going on in the world today. The Grammy-winning musician has been vocal about sharing how he feels the need to express his views on politics, even if that may come with some backlash. He shared with CNBC, "It's probably alienating some people and I understand that, but I think it's worth the risk for me. Because I care enough about these issues that I cannot just be silent ... It would be too hard for me to be silent about it. I just couldn't do it. It's not in my constitution."

Throughout the years, the "Green Light" singer has been vocal about the issues he's supported, the candidates he's endorsed, and so much more when it comes to politics and the government. But don't expect Legend to pull a Kanye "Ye" West and run for office. In 2016, he told Vanity Fair, "I really don't want to be a politician. I love doing what I do and I love being involved in politics and using my voice as an artist to raise issues that I think are important, but I think that's the best role for me." So while the musician may just stick to singing, he isn't shy about sharing his beliefs and has used his voice throughout the years to make it clear where he stands politically.

John Legend has endorsed Democratic candidates

Since the 2000s, John Legend has been endorsing Democratic candidates in presidential races. In 2008, Legend backed Barack Obama in his presidential run and even wrote a song for his campaign titled "If You're Out There," per MTV. He shared the meaning of the track, explaining, "'If You're Out There' reflects the themes of hope and change, responsibility and leadership, and commitment to a better tomorrow expressed in the principles of Barack Obama and the hearts of the American people." In 2012, Legend was back on the campaign trail for Obama for his second term, per WTOL 11.

In 2016, in one of the most controversial presidential elections in history, Legend once again endorsed Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, who was running against then Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, per Entertainment Weekly. At a rally in 2016, Legend reportedly shared, "We know how important it is that we elect Hillary Clinton our next president. We know how important it is that we don't let Donald Trump any closer to the White House than that hotel down the street. We know that he is temperamentally unfit. We know he's unqualified. We know he's incurious. We know he is unprepared. We know he is a racist." Although Trump won the 2016 election, Legend advocated for a Democratic candidate again in 2020. According to CBS, Legend initially supported Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren before eventually supporting the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, who won.

John Legend has supported liberal issues

Besides supporting Democratic candidates, John Legend has also backed many liberal positions. Throughout the years, Legend has expressed the importance of climate change awareness. After terrible wildfires on the West Coast, he told Sunday Brunch, "Obviously it reminds us that climate change is happening and we as a globe need to do something about it." According to Billboard (via Essence), the "Ordinary People" singer took matters into his own hands when it came to touring and saving the environment. Promoting an eco-friendly outlook, Legend planned to sell "green products" and have climate-friendly ways of traveling and staying in hotels.

In addition to his climate change advocacy, Legend has also been vocal toward the Black Lives Matter movement. In 2020, he expressed his support for the cause and his hope for the future on "Good Morning America." He shared, "People had every right to be outraged and every right to protest, and I think the hopeful thing that comes from this moment of tragedy is that so many people came together to say we really need to change the system." During this time, the Grammy-winning musician also shared a post demanding to defund the police in light of the Black Lives Matter movement.

From gun control to universal healthcare, Legend has been a supporter of many liberal causes throughout the years.