The Ex Tiger Woods And RHOBH Star Paul 'PK' Kemsley Have In Common

As "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" fans will know, Paul "PK" Kemsley has been happily married to Dorit Kemsley since 2015. However, prior to their union, he was linked to none other than Rachel Uchitel. Yep — the same Uchitel who once dated Tiger Woods.

As a brief refresher, Uchitel's name first made headlines back in 2009 when she was accused of being Woods' mistress. Despite initially denying that she even knew the golfer, the former nightclub hostess admitted to having an affair with the golfer while he was married to his then-wife, Elin Nordegren, and has even spoken about the non-disclosure agreement (NDA) she signed. As for her relationship with PK, that only became public knowledge in September 2020, thanks to an interview on "Juicy Scoop w Heather McDonald." Uchitel didn't share any specific dates in the episode, but she explained that it was while he was in the midst of his divorce from his first wife, Loretta Gold. In other words, this is a relationship that happened more than a decade ago — and until fairly recently, no one even knew about it.  

The difference in what's been made public isn't the only disparity between the two relationships, though. In fact, when it comes to what Uchitel has said about Woods and Kemsley, all indications suggest that the only common thread between these relationships is her involvement in them.

Rachel has said Tiger's NDAs ruined her life

Despite signing an NDA when the Tiger Woods scandal broke, Rachel Uchitel has spoken about how the fallout of their affair impacted her. More specifically, she's claimed she was bullied into silence. 

As part of the 2021 documentary "Tiger," Uchitel shared that the NDA came about when Woods set up a meeting with his lawyers and encouraged her to push for the biggest confidentiality settlement possible (via Mail Online). That she did, and speaking to The New York Times in 2021, she confirmed that she'd negotiated a whopping $8 million — though what she walked away with didn't come close. She's also spoken about the toll the situation had on her emotional well-being. "No amount of money gets your life back ... I'd rather be poor and homeless than have to go through what I've endured," she told "Entertainment Tonight." She added: "There was an abusive nature in getting me to sign that to keep me quiet, and there was abusiveness in keeping me quiet for 14 years after."

Granted, Uchitel has also shown Woods some public tenderness in the past. Of the NDA settlement, she's said she believed he thought it was a way to show his love. And, in the wake of his 2021 car accident, she told E! News she was devastated and wished him well. 

... but of PK, she has nothing but kind things to say

Rachel Uchitel may have wished Tiger Woods well despite everything, but that pales in comparison to the glowing commendation she's given her other ex, Paul "PK" Kemsley. Though she's generally stayed mum on their relationship, speaking to David Yontef, she had nothing but good things to say. 

In her interview on "Behind the Velvet Rope Podcast," Uchitel explained that, like Woods, she met PK during the peak of her career as a nightclub hostess and manager. The two started as friends, then started dating a year later — and though things obviously didn't pan out, there's no bad blood. "He is a wonderful guy, he really is ... his personality is so engaging," she gushed. She also hinted at why she'd never said anything about their relationship in the past, pointing out that even while they were together, she felt a certain protectiveness over him. "I wanted to make sure he was safe. I cared about him," she explained.

More than a decade later, that still appears to be the case — just don't expect her to tune in to catch a glimpse of him on "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills." As she told Heather McDonald, she's a fan of many of the ladies on the show (and even has a soft spot for his wife, Dorit Kemsley), but the thought of watching him live his new life was a little much. Fair enough!