How Barbara Corcoran Really Feels About Shark Tank Guest Judge Alex Rodriguez

From the baseball field to "Shark Tank," Alex Rodriguez has a sea of talents. But what did the rest of the judges think about the former New York Yankees star's guest appearance on the show? Apparently, Barbara Corcoran had a lot to say about Rodriguez.

Corcoran has been on the show since its premiere in 2009, per Forbes. The experience has been amazing for the real estate agent, as she told Vulture, "We've inspired those people and created the idea that entrepreneurship and running a business is a very sexy thing to do. What else could we ask for?" In the fourteen years that she has been a judge on the show, she has seen a lot of business ideas presented to her and has also seen judges come and go. Ashton Kutcher, Bethenny Frankel, Charles Barkley, and so many more have entered the shark tank, ready to hear the innovative ideas people have come up with.

In 2017, similar to previous years, "Shark Tank” announced that a special someone would join the panel. Not long after, Rodriguez announced he would be a guest judge on the show on social media. He tweeted, "Can't wait to swim with the Sharks @ABCSharkTank #guestshark." While all the previous guest judges have quite an impressive repertoire, none have made quite the splash on Corcoran as Rodriguez did.

Barbara Corcoran loved A-Rod on the show but blew it with J. Lo

Barbara Corcoran is an Alex Rodriguez fan, even if she was annoyed with people constantly wanting to invest with him on "Shark Tank." She told Us Weekly, "You have A-Rod, all [6-foot-3] of him sitting next to you. As every entrepreneur walks onto the set, I'm thinking, 'Oh, God, I hope I can invest with A-Rod on this one.' Next one: 'I hope I can invest with A-Rod on this one.'" While it was intimidating to sit next to this massive force, it was even more intimidating to meet A-Rod's beau at the time, aka Jennifer Lopez.

Even years later, the "Shark Tank" judge will never forget her time with Rodriguez and Lopez. In 2023, Corcoran shared a TikTok video with more details about her relationship with the guest shark and his then-girlfriend.  She spilled the juicy details that she got an exclusive invite to an A-Rod and J. Lo party, but there was one problem: she didn't know where it was. Corcoran shared, "I only know their apartment was on a high floor at the fabulous condo on Park Avenue. Why? Because I read it in the tabloids. On my way from the airport, my assistant called, and she said she got the email with the address, and it was in Los Angeles.'" The "Shark Tank" judge had just landed in New York and had no way of making it to the party in about a bummer!

Barbara Corcoran has a crush on Alex Rodriguez

Barbara Corcoran liked Alex Rodriguez, not just as a guest shark on "Shark Tank," but as a potential new man in her life. Even when the former New York Yankees star was with Jennifer Lopez, Corcoran was still willing to shoot her shot at Rodriguez. In 2018, she joked on "The Michelle Collins Show," "I've seen J.Lo twice, but to tell you the truth, she's my enemy. Because I want Alex ... He is really good-looking. He's smart! I know I should be talking about that because that's why he's on the show ... but overall, he is so good looking." Corcoran was only joking, but even when Rodriguez and Lopez split, she still made it known she would clear her books for a date with the baseball star.

In 2021, Corcoran revealed to Extra how she felt about the new bachelor. She shared, "I immediately called him up and proposed. I don't want to waste time." As for Lopez, the "Shark Tank" judge had some jokingly harsh words for the singer. Corcoran said, "If he's dropping that other babe, who's not even so good-looking in my opinion, why shouldn't I jump in for that opportunity? I would say definitely, he'll say yes!" The businesswoman was being sarcastic, but what she wasn't joking about was how she felt about Rodriguez. Even after all these years after his guest appearance, the two's relationship continues to stand strong.