Here's What Sarah Jessica Parker Looks Like Without Makeup

Sarah Jessica Parker is one of the '90s' most stylish beauty inspirations, but what does the A-lister look like without makeup?

Parker easily evokes memories of the glamorous, high-end fashion that ruled the '90s. Her role as Carrie Bradshaw on "Sex and the City" and its spin-off, "And Just Like That," landed her among the best-dressed celebs in history. Between Carrie's "SATC" ensembles — like that chic Dior newspaper dress — and Parker's real-life wardrobe, she's a fashionista to her core. Of course, there are some differences between Bradshaw and Parker. "Carrie was a much more courageous dresser than I am," Parker shared with Vogue in 2022. "She has a much more fevered relationship with fashion, and much more indulgent. I'm much more of an observer."

Of course, Parker has also been known to accent her glamorous looks with just the right dash of makeup. One of Parker's best looks — as Carrie — occurred during Season 1 of "SATC” when her natural beauty was allowed to peek through the shimmering looks. "I used a lot of pearly highlights around the eyes and along the cheekbones, and would often smudge glittery black pencil around her eyes," revealed makeup artist Kabuki (via Today). From that point on, Parker's on-screen looks became more dramatic — and iconic — as the creative team worked hard to reflect her increasingly complicated life in her makeup choices. With that said, Parker has also proven that she can turn heads without any makeup at all.

Sarah Jessica Parker is a fresh-faced beauty

Although photos of Parker wearing zero makeup are much harder to come by than evidence of her fashion faux pas, she did once bare her gorgeous, natural face in a selfie with Andy Cohen. The refreshingly dialed-back Instagram photo showed Parker embracing her natural beauty on the highest level, wearing a high, slicked-back bun, framed with natural graying hair, as she embraced Cohen. Her only accessory was the glow of a shining sun, which Cohen fittingly referenced in the photo's caption. "Magic Hour, Magic Lady," wrote the Bravo star. Naturally, Cohen's fans were quite entranced by Parker's minimalist look, which was super different from her everyday look.

Unfortunately, Parker is one of the few beauty icons who've never given fans a step-by-step makeup tutorial, which would've showcased more of her natural skin. Still, Parker has been known to rock plenty of barely-there makeup looks. In March of 2022, Parker wore minimal-to-no makeup, a fedora, and her famous blonde locks as she promoted her brand-new publishing imprint on Instagram. "Today is a very special day. In partnership with @zandoprojects, we are proud to announce the launch of @sjplit, a brand new imprint dedicated to publishing books that capture the contemporary imagination," Parker captioned the post.

Sarah Jessica Parker's beauty views are super healthy

Even though Sarah Jessica Parker has spent much of her career soaking up the expertise of Hollywood's beauty and fashion industry, she hasn't allowed her fairy-tale day job to impact her view on beauty and aging. Parker seems to have developed a healthy stance on the inevitable changes that come with the ticking clock — including her graying mane. "It became months and months of conversation about how brave I am for having gray hair," Parker shared with Allure, responding to the fanfare over her emerging gray hair in her Andy Cohen photo. "I was like, please please applaud someone else's courage on something!" Parker also pointed out Cohen's gray hair, which didn't garner nearly as much attention. "Andy has a full head of beautiful gray hair. But no one mentioned him, sitting right next to me," added Parker. "I'm not angry, it's just an observation."

With that said, Parker definitely prioritizes taking care of her skin, but prefers to employ beauty professionals who aren't obsessed with aging. "It's important to me that someone is minding my skin versus somebody who is like 'I can make you younger,'" Parker shared with Prevention in September 2023. "Which is of no interest to me and isn't a reality," she added.