Grey's Anatomy Star Sarah Drew's Daughter Hannah Is Growing Up To Be Her Twin

Sarah Drew became widely known for her role as Dr. April Kepner on the hit medical drama "Grey's Anatomy." Besides being an accomplished actor, Drew is a devoted wife and mom who loves spending quality time with her family. She got married to university professor Peter Lanfer in 2002, according to Parade. Ten years later, they welcomed their first child, their son Micah Emmanuel. And just a couple years after that, their daughter Hannah Mali Rose was born.

Having young kids has affected Drew's acting career to some degree, as she's gotten pickier about the projects she chooses. She told InBetween, "I think about the fact that they will probably watch all of my work at some point, so I am sure that I'm making art that I'm proud of and that I'll be proud to share with them." As it turns out, Hannah takes after her mom, as she's a budding artist. And that's not the only thing the two share in common. As Hannah gets older, she's looking more and more like Drew!

Sarah Drew's daughter Hannah loves performing

Now 8 years old, Sarah Drew's daughter Hannah is a spitting image of her mom. Fans can see their physical similarities on Drew's Instagram page, as she frequently posts photos of her kids. In a birthday post, Drew shared a slideshow featuring adorable pictures of her and Hannah. The mother-daughter duo look like two peas in a pod with their red hair and radiant smiles. Drew gushed about her daughter, writing, "Hannah is a vibrant people-magnet. She's invested in her relationships- a loyal friend and a peace maker. She has enormous emotions- always has and I assume always will. I love how big her feelings are. She is strong willed and empathetic."

Hannah also inherited her mom's creative gene, as Drew noted that her daughter is an artist, singer, dancer, and writer. In an interview with InBetween, Drew elaborated on Hannah's interest in the arts, particularly dance. She described the joy of seeing Hannah discover her passions and how she encourages her without being pushy. Speaking about both of her kids, she said, "Right now they are both very interested in performing but I'm not rushing them into this industry. For now, doing theatre is a place where they are finding belonging and fostering their creativity and I'd like to keep it that way before adding the pressure of the business side of it."

Sarah Drew's daughter Hannah once had serious health issues

While Sarah Drew's daughter Hannah seems to be thriving these days, she faced some major health challenges as a baby. Following Hannah's premature birth, Drew was "beside herself" as her daughter was placed in the neonatal intensive care unit for 11 days, according to People. She shared, "Her lungs were not totally ready to be outside of the womb [which led to] an infection, plus she had issues with blood sugar because I had gestational diabetes." In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Drew explained that Hannah struggled to breathe and had to be given oxygen.

Drew expressed her anxiety and fear at the time, with no idea as to when Hannah would be released from the hospital. Besides receiving support from family and friends, Drew's role as April Kepner on "Grey's Anatomy" helped her stay strong. Coincidentally, Kepner dealt with a major trauma regarding her newborn. Drew said, "Having just played something that was really emotionally intense revolving around a baby, in some ways, prepared me to weather those 11 days." Fortunately, Hannah made a quick and full recovery.