What We Know About Ryan Seacrest's Parents Gary And Connie

Ryan Seacrest has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry. From hosting "American Idol" to landing Pat Sajak's gig on "Wheel of Fortune," Ryan is truly unstoppable. While he surely put in a lot of work to achieve his goals, nothing could have been possible without the love and support of his parents, Gary Seacrest and Connie Marie.

Ryan grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, with Gary and Connie, along with his sister, Meredith. The Seacrest family was close-knit, as Ryan recalled with The Wall Street Journal, "Growing up, we were always very close. It's just the four of us, so we're used to doing things together." Even as the host aspired to big dreams for his future, his family was there every step of the way.

In fact, Ryan's parents were a big inspiration for his career. He shared with Oprah, "My parents would always have us, as many times as we could, sit together for dinner and talk about what was happening in our lives ... That really helped me as a kid feel comfortable and confident to do what it is that I wanted to do." Clearly, his parents' influence worked because he has become one of the biggest names in the industry, and even with all the fame and fortune, he is still incredibly close with his parents. So, here's everything we know about Gary and Connie.

Gary Seacrest was a lawyer and Connie Marie was a homemaker

Before Ryan Seacrest became an entertainment renaissance man, Gary Seacrest and Connie Marie held average jobs. GH Base noted that Connie was a homemaker and took care of Ryan and his sister Meredith. As for Gary, he was a part of the United States Army before he eventually became a real estate lawyer. Because Gary was experienced with contracts, he even helped his son with his own entertainment contracts early in Ryan's career. Gary recalled to the Wall Street Journal, "We'd go through them paragraph by paragraph. I'd explain, 'This one's good for you; this one's not so good.'" Although Gary and Connie had typical jobs as Ryan began his career, that all changed as their son's fame grew.

Now, Gary and Connie work for Ryan's foundation, the Ryan Seacrest Foundation, which provides broadcast media studios within hospitals across the U.S. to encourage kids to explore entertainment careers. According to the foundation's website, Gary helped found and became the CEO of the company. Still dealing with the legal side, the website explains that Gary "oversees all legal matters for the foundation, where he uses his expertise to negotiate agreements with hospitals, vendors, corporations and more." Of course, we can't forget about Connie, who serves as the foundation's Vice President of Community Affairs and Hospital Relations. The website revealed that Connie often visits various studios to ensure "they receive the support they need and operate to their best potential."

Gary Seacrest and Connie Marie have been married for over 50 years

Ryan Seacrest has a prime example of what true love looks like with his parents, Gary Seacrest and Connie Marie. According to the Wall Street Journal, Gary and Connie first crossed paths as young adults. The former lawyer recalled, "I played basketball against her team and she was a cheerleader, so I knew who she was." Although they knew of one another for a while, they didn't officially start dating until 1969, after Gary asked Connie to a dance. A year after they started dating, the couple decided to tie the knot. Fast-forward over 50 years later and Gary and Connie are still madly in love.

Ryan even shared a cute post of his parents when they reached the 50-year milestone in 2020. He shared, "It's not a Seacrest family pic unless we coordinate. My role models Gary and Connie celebrating their journey. Happy 50th mom and dad!" In another post, Ryan shared a throwback photo of the couple on their wedding day, honoring his parents.

The "American Idol" host even holds his parent's marriage on a pedestal when it comes to his own romances. He told People, "I have a fantastic family, a very small family...My parents have been married 52 and a half years, so that's a high bar. So that's in my head." Hopefully, however, in the future, Ryan will have a love like the one his parents have had for over 50 years.