Why Dermot Mulroney Really Walked Off The View (Spoiler: There's No Drama With The Hosts)

Dermot Mulroney is walking (literally) in support of the ongoing writer's strike! Since his debut on the acting scene back in the '80s, Mulroney has amassed success in two of Hollywood's biggest genres: rom-com and drama. But Mulroney's pursuits aren't limited to the screen. He also pays it forward through support for social causes dear to his heart. For over a decade, the "My Best Friend's Wedding" star has supported a number of nonprofits championing several causes. Back in 2011, Mulroney donated a day on-set with him to The Support Center for Child Advocates, a Philadelphia-based non-profit catering to abused and neglected children. "It's very important to me to support charities like The Support Center for Child Advocates that are working to change the lives of our nation's children," Mulroney said of his involvement, according to Look To The Stars. "If hanging out with me on location will inspire donations to such a worthy cause, I'm delighted to be involved," he added.

In addition to The Support Center for Child Advocates, Mulroney, an accomplished cellist, opened up about his involvement with Education Through Music — L.A. "It's basically getting instruments into the schools because that's where I learned to play and I want kids to have the same musical opportunities I do," he told Santa Monica Mirror back in 2010. 

Given the actor's history, it comes as no surprise that his recent appearance on "The View" ended with a solidarity walk.

Dermot Mulroney walked out in solidarity with striking writers

During a pre-recorded segment on ABC's "The View," Dermot Mulroney showed solidarity with the Writers Guild of America amid the ongoing strike against the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP). According to Us Weekly, Mulroney, who's currently promoting his role on Disney+'s "Secret Invasion," walked off the show's set after his interview. "Are we going to break? I'm going to do this symbolically in solidarity with the writers. I'm going to walk off your show," Mulroney reportedly explained before leaving the set. 

As to why he chose to show his solidarity while on "The View," Mulroney explained that he did so due to its impact. "Since I have such respect for 'The View,' a news program with a heart, it was there that I felt comfortable enough to draw attention to the ongoing WGA strike for fair wages and working hours. I find it incredibly important to continue to support the union," he told Variety

Speaking with The A.V. Club, Mulroney shared his thoughts on the strike while appealing to other actors to show their support for the writers behind the stories that keep them in business. "I support them 100% as an actor. But I just hope actors don't take that same kind of time dicking around, and just strike immediately and get this whole thing over with as fast as possible, so we can get back to entertaining America, entertaining the world," he told the outlet.