The Kardashians' Met Gala Snub Is Long Overdue (& We Hope They Never Return)

The Kardashians have permeated contemporary culture like Karbon monoxide seeping through the consciousness of our minds. Like the toxic gas, the Kardashians have no taste and can cause severe headaches, nausea, lethargy, and confusion. Just ask Met Gala attendees, who, over the years, have been forced to suffer the side effects of watching one horror after another strut down the red carpet. Well, they'll be able to breathe without fear again as Vogue is canceling the Kardashians — and we're totally here for it.

According to Page Six, Anna Wintour is putting her Manolo Blahnik-clad foot down and cutting out the rot. It's no secret that she'd sworn a Kardashian would never darken the gala's doors. After all, the event is about celebrating creativity and avant-garde, fashion-forward style. While the family is more about juicy couture sweats, platform stilettos, micro-minis, and big flashy bling aside from when they're on heavily stylized magazine shoots.

Still, Kim Kardashian was determined to wheedle her way in, come hell, high water, or Kanye "Ye" West. After she finally agreed to date Ye, Ye did what Ye does best nowadays, blow things up and ruin everything. Kim was his plus-one for the 2013 Met Gala, dressed as Mrs. Doubtfire and beaming with satisfaction. Well, Ye's gone now, and the snubs have started. The Kardashians are not the center of the universe, as much as their sense of entitlement makes them believe. It's beyond time for a breather from them at the Met Gala, and here's why we hope it's permanent.

Kardashians and fashion go together like Tay and Ye

Kim Kardashian once took on Anna Wintour and won. She'd arrived on the world's fashion stage, and sure enough, the floodgates soon opened for the rest of the Kar-Jenners to swarm in and help further lower the tone. Over the years, they've worn outfits with no right of place at Walmart, let alone the most prestigious haute-couture event in the fashion calendar.

The "Emperor's New Groove" ensemble Kris Jenner wore for her 2015 Met Gala debut was enough alone to argue that the reality stars should be permanently axed from anything style-related. Kylie Jenner backed the case up in 2022. The dress code was "gilded glamour" and nothing projects an air of gilded glamour more than a feathery white wedding gown paired with a backward baseball cap.

Then there's Kim. Oh, Kim! It's doubtful anyone will forget her brown skin-tight ruched "wet look" dress, or when she transformed into a silver tinsel wigged Cher, clad in a turquoise latex dress fringed with silver tinsel and split to the crotch matched with some platform boots. In 2021 she went in like a cat burglar and out like cat woman, wearing a black mesh head-to-toe full-face ski mask thing with a flowing cape followed by a wet-look latex superhero number and eye mask for Justin Bieber's after-party. Kanye West styled these outfits, so he clearly had the last laugh following their breakup. We've had enough red carpet ridiculousness at the Met Gala from Team Kar-Jenner.

They swept in with an air of entitlement and lack of respect

Despite what the Kardashians believe, they're not above showing some common courtesy. Still, the public is constantly bombarded by their narcissism because the Kar-Jenners will selfie whenever they want to selfie, even if it's obnoxious and rude. The Met Gala has a strict no-phone policy and requests that guests not post anything on social media. But, blah, who cares?! Rules are for non-reality TV star fools.

Kendall Jenner whipped out her phone and took a tasteful bathroom selfie with her model pals in 2015, looking like they were posing for a Terry Richardson shoot, not attending the Met Gala. Meanwhile Kylie Jenner likes to share her "annual bathroom selfie" with the world. Just because you can doesn't mean you should, sweetie.

Kendall's been showing her lack of respect and general disdain since making her Met Gala debut in 2014. The then-aspiring model was clad in a number from the British high street brand Top Shop — which is basically the equivalent of wearing a dress bought from Forever 21 to the most prestigious event in the haute-couture fashion world calendar. But hey, why make an effort? Kourtney Kardashian certainly didn't when she made her debut in 2022 choosing to just dial it in. Kourtney admitted that she hadn't thought about the dress code and didn't bother accordingly. Because why should she? She's a Kardashian!

Kardashianization is so not in vogue, let's hope it remains that way

The Kar-Jenners should be booted from the Met Gala for their high level of dangerous influence alone. Today, the "Kardashian effect" is visible everywhere and easy to spot; shapely Brazilian butt lift booties, tiny corseted waists, pouty lips, and surgically altered fox eyes are the go-to beauty ideal. However, it all comes with a potentially hazardous price tag.

Kim Kardashian boasted about the great results she got from going on an extreme crash diet to squeeze into her shimmery sequinned Marilyn Monroe "Happy birthday Mr. President" Met Gala dress in 2022. So much for body positivity and setting a good example for all those teenagers out there struggling with eating disorders. The Kardashians have millions of impressionable young people following their every move. They are responsible for using their influence positively, or preferably not at all. Vogue has the same responsibility, especially as it aggressively targets younger readers now to help increase its online presence.

"I don't think the Met is cool anymore ... It's gone from super prestigious to [being] full of influencers," a publicist told The New York Post. Amen to that. It's time for the Met Gala to de-Kardashianize. Hopefully, Anna Wintour's snub is the beginning of that. It's beyond time for a breather from the Kar-Jenners — permanently.