What Really Happened Between Drew Barrymore And Luke Wilson?

Technology has made it rather difficult for celebrities to keep their relationships quiet. Of course, there are a bunch of secretive celebrity couples out there, flying just under the radar. But in most cases, anyone with a smartphone can accidentally stumble upon a celeb couple, take a sneaky photo, and threaten to out their union. Fortunately, for the stars, it wasn't always this way, which is why there are a bunch of Hollywood stars you didn't know secretly dated — such as Hilary Duff and Shia LaBeouf and Madonna and Tupac.

One notable celeb couple who didn't date in secret, but whose relationship failed to make waves, much like other '90s pairings — including Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Philippe (via Glamour UK) —  is Drew Barrymore and Luke Wilson, who dated from 1996-1998. You may recall seeing the stars teaming up for projects such as 1998's "Home Fries" and "Best Men," per IMDb, both of which had them playing love interests with sizzling chemistry. And, while the world has known for decades that they used to be a couple, recently, Barrymore breathed life into their former romance by sharing details of their dynamic.

Drew Barrymore and Luke Wilson had an open relationship

Drew Barrymore got rather candid about her relationship with Luke Wilson during an episode of "The Drew Barrymore Show." While interviewing fellow actor and friend Kate Hudson, Barrymore took a little trip down memory lane. "When we first met, we were young and wild," shared Barrymore. Hudson then chimed in, sharing that they first met at a bar in California while Barrymore was with Luke Wilson. "I was dating [Luke], but I think he was also dating other people," Barrymore replied. "Yeah, totally, it was an open relationship, we were young," she added. 

The "Ever After" star then explained that everything was fun and "low stakes." Given the amount of time that's passed, it's clear Barrymore has made peace with their relationship. However, she sang a totally different tune back in the '90s. During an interview with People, Barrymore seemed totally head over heels for Wilson. "From the moment I saw him, I realized he was the most incredible person I'd ever been so fortunate to meet," shared Barrymore. Fortunately, Barrymore wasn't alone in her admiration. "I'm more nervous about the kid part than I am about getting married," shared Wilson about his and Barrymore's possible future. "I think I've just got to be a lot more mature than I am now."

Are Drew Barrymore and Luke Wilson still friends?

Drew Barrymore did not reveal whether or not she and Luke Wilson have kept in touch over the past two decades. However, it's not hard to believe. A few years after their breakup, the former couple was able to amicably work on 2003's "Charlie's Angels" together. During an interview with People, Wilson shared that he was on friendly terms with Barrymore, who was responsible for landing him a role in the hit film. "That's Drew — she didn't let the personal stuff get in the way," shared Wilson.

These days, it doesn't appear as if Barrymore or Wilson spend much time together — understandable, given their diverging life trajectories. While both actors have continued to maintain a presence in Hollywood, their personal lives have played out a lot differently. For example, Barrymore has been married three times and had two children — Olive and Frankie Barrymore Kopelman. Meanwhile, WIlson doesn't appear to have ever married or started a family.

At the very least, we know Barrymore is comfortable enough to try (and fail) to prank call Wilson on her show to entertain her audience.