What Happened To Sophie Mitchell From My Super Sweet 16?

It may be called "My Super Sweet 16," but in most cases, the 15-year-olds who were featured planning their extravagant birthday parties on MTV's hit reality television series were portrayed as anything but sweet. In fact, most members of the "My Super Sweet 16" tribe appeared downright sour — maybe even rotten in some instances. Case in point: Sophie Mitchell.

For all intents and purposes, Mitchell was just your average teenager ... until she appeared on the popular MTV series and became one of the most hated teens in America. In just one short episode, Mitchell was caught on camera hand-delivering invitations at school to only a select few students while others looked on, she also called her own mother the B-word, and even threatened to beat up her friend Maggie "again" — all in the name of a lavish "Moulin Rouge" themed birthday party. That's not all, though. During her short and not-so-sweet 15 minutes of fame, she also coined the phrase, "Don't try to tell me the world doesn't revolve around me because today it does!" It went on to launch a thousand memes. 

So, what is Mitchell up to these days? And how does she feel about her portrayal on the reality show? The answer just might surprise you. 

Sophie Mitchell moved to England and became an attorney

Sour. Sweet. Gone. 

Shortly after Sophie Mitchell's "My Super Sweet 16" episode aired on MTV, the newly-minted 16-year-old got the heck out of dodge. Much like the Sour Patch Kids slogan, during the episode, she was portrayed as mostly sour with maybe a hint of sweetness somewhere deep, deep below the surface, but apparently, she may be turning over a new leaf. According to InTouch, Mitchell sought solace in England in an effort to escape the ridicule, criticism, and even hate mail she was receiving. "At first I was reading it all, but then I had to stop because I was punishing myself," Mitchell told the New York Times. Although she said she wasn't proud of how she was portrayed, she confessed that a lot of her behavior was put on for the cameras. 

Since then, it appears Mitchell has carved out an all-new life for herself. It's reported that she went to school in Switzerland and eventually earned a law degree. Per LinkedIn, she now works as a managing attorney at the Office of Criminal Conflict and Civil Regional Counsel in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale area. Otherwise, it appears she keeps a low profile. But what about Mitchell's friend turned arch-nemesis, Maggie Jensen, who bore the brunt of Mitchell's aggressive "My Super Sweet 16" charade? Funny you should ask...

Maggie Jensen is thriving

It's hard to forget the infamous showdown that happened between Sophie Mitchell and Maggie Jensen on "My Super Sweet 16." Mitchell yelled at her friend, "Do you want me to beat you up again, Maggie? Would you like for me to get in a public fight with you again?" 

Jensen, perhaps best known as the unassuming friend who didn't realize she had been disinvited to Mitchell's birthday on MTV's popular series until it was way too late, is also living and working in the sunny state of Florida. In a TikTok video uploaded in the early months of 2021, Jensen disclosed that she was married, had one daughter, and was working hard to grow her real estate business. But that's not all — she also divulged that she and Mitchell were still in touch!

However, Jensen really spilled the tea in another TikTok she uploaded the following day. "Yes, that was a real fight. That was not staged," she revealed. "I had no idea that I had been uninvited to Sophie's party but we had gotten into a fight earlier in the day after lunch when I called her out for just, like, changing her personality when these cameras were around cause we had filmed a couple of segments together already" she explained. "But I have to just tell you, like, [I was] BLINDSIDED by that attack. Never, ever, ever stand down to a bully!" she advised her viewers.