Corey Feldman Hospitalized After Alleged Attack By 'Wolfpack'

Corey Feldman was hospitalized after allegedly getting attacked in his car.

On Wednesday, March 28, 2018, the former child star took to Twitter to inform his followers that he was allegedly targeted the day before by a group of men. Sharing photos of himself in the hospital, Feldman claimed that three men had approached his car and, when his security personnel had been "distracted," a man opened his car door and stabbed him.

In a separate tweet, Feldman added that the Los Angeles Police Department is investigating the incident as an "attempted homicide." He noted that he'd previously received "mounting threats on all [social media] platforms by this vile 'wolfpack.'" Feldman added that he was "sure" that the threats and his attack are connected.

According to the Daily Mail, cops were called to a home in Reseda, Calif. just before midnight on Tuesday, March 27, after receiving a call about an assault with a deadly weapon. Feldman was reportedly at the house and he had a minor abdominal wound caused by an unknown sharp object.

However, according to the Los Angeles Times, cops don't appear to fully believe Feldman's story about a "wolfpack" attack. "He claims he was stabbed," LAPD officer Drake Madison told the paper. "There is no laceration or stabbing to his stomach." The publication also noted that Feldman drove himself to the hospital.

At the time of this writing, no arrests have been made.

Feldman's alleged attack comes months after the Stand By Me actor pledged to expose an alleged Hollywood pedophile ring β€” if he received funding to the tune of $10 million. He wanted to release his claims in the form of a film with no influence from a major studio. The movie did not get funding.

In a November 2017 appearance on The Dr. Oz Show, Feldman offered up the name of one alleged abuser, identifying him as Jon Grissom, whom he'd worked alongside on movies like License to Drive (1988) and Dream a Little Dream (1989). Days earlier, he'd also told Megyn Kelly on the Today show that youth talent manager Marty Weiss was a pedophile β€” a claim he'd previously made in his book, Coreyography.

During his interview on the Today show with Kelly, Feldman also claimed that he'd been the target of an attempted murder, alleging that two trucks had sped toward him on the highway.

Feldman later contacted the LAPD about the alleged sexual abuse he suffered as a child. A short time later, authorities ended their investigation into Feldman's claims, as the incident Feldman had described was "out of statute."