The Strange Reason Lindsay Lohan Regrets Turning Down A Kissing Scene

Lindsay Lohan has had her fair share of kissing scenes over the years. After all, the star was pretty much the queen of the teen romcom back in the day, kissing up a storm in movies like "Mean Girls" (hey, Jonathan Bennett) and "Freaky Friday" (hey, Chad Michael Murray). But while a kissing scene with one of the most handsome actors in the game sounds like a treat and looks all very romantic on screen, it sounds like it's not always the most desirable thing in the world. Especially when it's your first time.

Chad Michael Murray recalled the somewhat awkward situation that went down with Lohan on the set of "Freaky Friday" back in the early 2000s, revealing that he was the "Just My Luck" star's first onscreen smooch and she really had to be talked into going for it. "Jamie Lee Curtis was there and she was trying to settle the situation because Lindsay's nerves were all over the place. And she's talking to Lindsay, like, 'Just kiss him. Come on, just give him a pop kiss, it's no big deal. Let's break the ice now,'" he told Busy Phillips on "Busy Tonight" in 2019 (via People). That's when Curtis took it upon herself to show Lohan how it's done by planting a big one on Murray's lips herself. That's certainly one way to do it!

But that's not the only time Lohan has had a bit of lip lock drama on a movie set. Enter, Charlie Sheen.

Lindsay Lohan reportedly refused to kiss Charlie Sheen

For this one, we're throwing it back to the halcyon days of 2012 when Lindsay Lohan reportedly had a few reservations about making out with Charlie Sheen. The two starred alongside one another in "Scary Movie 5" (aka "Scary Movie V") and TMZ reported that the script initially called for them to lock lips three times — but Lohan refused. Why? It's thought she wasn't thrilled about the prospect because Sheen has somewhat of a wild past when it comes to romancing and partying (Tiger Blood, anyone?) and she was supposedly worried about getting a cold sore.

As for how producers dealt with Lohan's refusal, it's thought they used body doubles and minimized the saliva swapping required. Sheen was apparently okay with the whole thing, though, and reportedly kept his cool, despite it not exactly being the biggest compliment that someone really doesn't want to kiss you. The two both seemed in pretty good spirits in the trailer too, poking fun at themselves and their partying, run-ins with the law pasts. The clip sees them wake up in bed together in a spoof of "Paranormal Activity," with a terrified Lohan seeing on TV that her probation has been revoked while Sheen got manhandled by a spirit who has no problem giving his, erm, manhood a beating. Ouch.

Daily Mail reported Lohan was left red-faced about avoiding Sheen's lips after he was so accommodating, reportedly sending him a note and flowers to apologize.

Are Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan friends?

Though Lindsay Lohan supposedly wasn't the biggest fan of a kiss on the lips with Charlie Sheen in "Scary Movie 5," she didn't seem to mind too much about a peck on the cheek. Snaps from the premiere showed the two posing together on the red carpet as the former "Anger Management" actor got close and planted one on her (avoiding the lips, though!) while Lohan smiled.

And it seemed like Sheen was all about the goodwill when it came to the "Herbie: Fully Loaded" star. TMZ claimed he forked out $100,000 to help her with a tax bill in 2012 after they became close friends while filming the satire movie, while Us Weekly claimed the following year that Sheen showed off his generosity again when he helped Lohan get a fancy dress for an event. Celebrity stylist Phillip Bloch claimed Sheen called him directly and asked him to help Lohan, even offering to pay for half of her gown himself. It sounds like Sheen is a darn good friend to this starlet. Who knew?