What Is Katie Couric And Ann Curry's Relationship Like Today?

Beside their wildly successful careers, Ann Curry and Katie Couric share one thing in common: the well-known journalists both served as anchors on NBC's "Today" for decades. While Curry was ousted for unknown reasons in 2012, Couric left voluntarily in 2006. According to her memoir "Going There" (via Page Six), Couric stated that, by 2005, "I was getting restless." She added, "I felt like the show was getting softer, the hard news interviews getting shorter, the segments getting more sensational."

Meanwhile, after just about a year of co-hosting "Today" with Matt Lauer, Curry suddenly lost her prominent role. There was speculation that a lack of "chemistry" with Lauer had pushed her out. In 2018, Curry told People, "It hurt like hell. It hurt so much, but I learned a lot about myself. I can say I've done nothing wrong. I've been honest and true."

In 2017, there was renewed attention regarding Curry's departure. That year, Lauer was fired for sexual misconduct in the workplace. While Curry said she was "not surprised" by the allegations, Couric said "this is not the Matt we knew," per E! News. While their thoughts on Lauer were clear-cut, the status of Curry and Couric's connection has remained somewhat of an enigma, as Curry hasn't been outspoken about her opinion of Couric. However, Couric has been quite vocal about their dynamic. Here's where Curry and Couric's relationship stands today.

Katie Couric wished Ann Curry the best

When Ann Curry unexpectedly left "Today" in 2012, Katie Couric expressed sympathy toward her former co-worker. In a Spreecast interview (via The Hollywood Reporter), Couric said, "It really broke my heart this morning to see Ann, because I know she's suffering and is feeling a lot of pain with this transition, and I know that it's really hard for everyone on the show." Couric also commended Curry's journalism, saying, "I do think Ann is a great reporter and loves covering those important international stories, as she said this morning, what's going on in Syria and the face of the new poor in this country." She noted that Curry excels in hard news, adding, "And I think she cares deeply about those issues, and I think that she'll do a great job in that venue."

So, what's the current status of Couric and Curry's relationship? In a 2020 appearance on the podcast "Everything Iconic with Danny Pellegrino," Pellegrino asked Couric if she maintained contact with Curry. Couric replied, "I haven't seen her. Once in a while I run into her at things. I think she's working on a PBS show or something." And though Couric admitted that the two weren't besties, she still had high hopes for her. Couric continued, "I always liked Ann, but we weren't really very close friends. I haven't kept up with her, but I hope she's doing well, too. I really do."

Inside the rumors regarding Katie Couric's treatment of Ann Curry

Despite their seemingly amicable relationship, rumor has it that Katie Couric threw shade at Ann Curry when they worked together at NBC. In "The News Sorority," Sheila Weller wrote, "As a person from ABC always heard it from friends at NBC, 'Katie was a bully, and Ann was the victim.'" Apparently, Couric condemned Curry's outfit choices right before the cameras started rolling. However, a friend of Couric's shut down Weller's accusations about the anchor and journalists Diane Sawyer and Christiane Amanpour, saying Weller was "relying on classic anti-feminist caricatures, tabloid-like misrepresentations and outright falsehoods about these three extraordinary women," per the Daily News.

Yet, Couric didn't miss her chance to tease Curry and Matt Lauer. In 2008, at Lauer's roast, Couric joked, "He loves to eat curry." While the audience was a fan of that quip, Curry reportedly "blanched," according to The Village Voice. So, what's the real deal regarding Curry and Couric's relationship? Are the former co-workers cordial acquaintances — or frenemies with a complicated past? Even if the two ever had beef, it seems like any past differences between Couric and Curry have now been smoothed over.