The Spicy Scandal That Damaged Lauren Boebert's Reputation Forever

Lauren Boebert has had plenty of controversial moments over the years, but there's one incident that continues to stand out. That would be her behavior at a 2023 performance of "Beetlejuice" in Denver, Colorado. ICYMI, the congresswoman's theater etiquette was so yikes-worthy that she ended up being kicked out of the performance. Brace yourself. 

As seen in surveillance footage from the theater published by 9News, Boebert's night of misadventure began ahead of the performance. While seated in the theater, she puffed on a vape. Despite that being a major no-no in Colorado, as well as the Buell Theatre itself, Boebert continued to do so throughout the show. That saw another patron sitting behind her, a pregnant woman, ask her to stop. However, speaking to The Denver Post, the woman said Boebert showed her shady side and wasn't exactly receptive, responding with a decidedly not-sorry, "No."

Vaping wasn't all, though. Boebert also took a number of pictures throughout the performance (flash and all), which is also prohibited at the Buell Theatre. Oh, and then there was the kissing and, ahem, more than kissing, reported on by TMZ. Unsurprisingly, there were numerous complaints, and the woman seated behind Boebert asked during intermission if she and her husband could sit elsewhere. It's possible the elected official caught wind of that, as when the annoyed theatergoer returned to her seat, Boebert reportedly turned around to deem her a, "Sad and miserable person." One might say she was indeed a sad and miserable person since she'd paid to see "Beetlejuice" and was instead treated to a performance of Boebert's bad behavior, but we digress. Boebert and her date were ultimately ordered to leave the theater. However, perhaps unsurprising given everything that led up to their expulsion, their exit wasn't the most dignified of processes, either. 

Lauren Boebert initially refused to leave the theater

Speaking to The Denver Post, the usher tasked with removing Lauren Boebert and her partner from the "Beetlejuice" performance revealed that the congresswoman wasn't exactly compliant at first. "They told me they would not leave. I told them that they need to leave the theater and if they do not, they will be trespassing. The patrons said they would not leave," he recounted. The standoff continued, even after the usher threatened to call the police. "They said go get them," he said. Perhaps the thought of another mugshot prompted Boebert to change her mind, as she eventually got up and stormed out of the theater, along with her companion. Granted, the congresswoman was said to have threatened to call the mayor and remind everyone who she was once she reached the lobby. 

Unsurprisingly, Boebert's behavior became front-page news, and that prompted a little more digging, which led to TMZ revealing that Boebert's date, one Quinn Gallagher, actually owned a bar that held regular drag shows (y'know, the kind Boebert has lobbied against). On top of that, the outlet also revealed that Gallagher was a Democrat (the horror). Speaking to TMZ two days later, Boebert joked that going forward, she would confirm any potential romantic interests' political beliefs before dating them. She did also say she and Gallagher were done, but was pretty complimentary of him in general. 

Boebert ultimately issued a full apology (after her initial one, which denied she'd been vaping and blamed smoke machines for other patrons' misunderstanding) via Facebook. In the statement, she attributed her behavior in part to her split from her longtime husband, but admitted that her behavior was, "Unacceptable." Even so, it's been tough to live down, and critics have continued to call her out.