We Cut Off Dog The Bounty Hunter's Famous Blond Hair (OMG)

In some ways, Dog the Bounty Hunter has undergone a transformation over the years, but one thing that's always remained a constant is his long blond hair. That is, until Static Media's photo editors got hold of one of his pics and changed that. Et voila, we've got an exclusive look at the bounty hunter, sans his iconic mane. And let's just say ... wow.

From the moment "Dog the Bounty Hunter" first premiered in 2003, the show's star — whose real name is Duane Chapman — has maintained a very specific aesthetic. That's included a bleached blond mullet, which he's sported at a variety of lengths. However, regardless of how long his hair is, it's always been at least shoulder height. 

With that in mind, the very idea of seeing the bounty hunter with short hair is jarring, to say the least. So much so, in fact, that when we saw our in-house editors' exclusive mock-up of him without it, we did several double takes. Sans the mop, the reality star could easily go incognito (though the sunglasses definitely did serve as a reminder of who we were seeing). However, something tells us Dog the Bounty Hunter has no plans of trying out a new 'do, any time soon. 

Dog the Bounty Hunter's wife hated his hair at first

Of course, having an iconic hairstyle doesn't exactly mean everyone loves it (see: Donald Trump). In fact, one fun fact for "Dog the Bounty Hunter" fans is that his sixth wife originally fell into the not-a-fan category. 

Speaking to The U.S. Sun, Francie Frane (who met Duane Chapman soon after the death of his late wife, Beth Chapman) joked that the very first time she saw a picture of her now-husband, one of the first things she said was, "That guy needs a haircut." Yikes. It does bear mentioning that since meeting and marrying the longtime TV star, Frane has had quite the change of heart. "It's part of who he is and I love it," she told the outlet. Well, given just how dedicated Dog the Bounty Hunter has been to his signature coiffure over the years, she's not wrong. 

We guess Frane's new take on her hubby's hair means she wouldn't be a major fan of our edited snap. Then again, though, perhaps a look at what could be would change her mind back to her original stance on his tresses. 

The bounty hunter's hair has been teased in the past

Francie Frane may have come around to Dog the Bounty Hunter's hairstyle, but that's not to say everyone has been quite so kind. Au contraire, back in 2019, his locks became headline news when social media haters poked fun at the state of his hair. 

The drama began when Duane Chapman took to Instagram to share his hairstylist's details for anyone interested in recreating his lewk. Cue a number of critics who weren't afraid to share what they thought of the stylist's work. "Hair looks bleached and dry, and he cannot honestly look in the mirror and think he looks good," wrote one (via InTouch). Chapman clearly felt for his stylist, as he ultimately turned off the comments function under the post. That said, for anyone who disagreed with the haters and wouldn't be opposed to booking a spot with Chapman's go-to, he's kept her details up. 

On a more serious note, it is worth noting that around the same time Dog the Bounty Hunter shared his stylist's details, he'd teared up speaking to InTouch about how he was coping after Beth Chapman's throat cancer claimed her life. More specifically, his voice had broken as he spoke about struggling with his hair without her, so perhaps that had added to the state of his hair critics were so vocal about. Chapman hasn't revealed if Frane helps him with his hair today, but one thing's for sure: even with the critics, Dog the Bounty Hunter is committed to keeping his hair as it is. That said, if he did ever change his mind, we have the perfect reference pic.