The Most Scandalous Rumors About Lauren Boebert

Lauren Boebert's shady side is filled with scandals past and present, and it could have been worse had some of the rumors that have circulated about her been true. As a polarizing far-right politician, Boebert has attracted her fair share of detractors. Some of those have gone to some great lengths to prove she is unfit to serve as a member of Congress. However, those efforts have often fallen into false claims territory. One of those is that she previously worked in the sex industry, a career that had some wide-ranging consequences.

According to scandalous rumors, it was allegedly through her work as an escort that Boebert met Ted Cruz, who then encouraged — and even reportedly financed — her bid for Congress. She then allegedly tried to hide her link to Cruz by purposefully failing to disclose a $70,500 campaign contribution he made. No evidence has been provided to back up these claims. But it didn't stop there. Boebert was also accused of terminating a pregnancy that allegedly resulted from her escort work, which reportedly marked the second time she had sought an abortion.

As an anti-abortion politician, Boebert fought hard to debunk these accusations. "Y'all need Jesus!" she tweeted. She seemed less disconcerted by allegations she had cheated on her ex-husband with a Christian singer. Questions surrounding her net worth have also been made to raise suspicion of corruption through her work as a congresswoman. Over the years, the controversial Colorado representative has been accused of some scandalous behavior, much of which has proven to be untrue.

Did Lauren Boebert previously work as an escort?

In June 2022, the American Muckrakers PAC claimed Lauren Boebert had previously worked as a paid escort through, RawStory reported. "Text messages show she was bankrupt at the time and looking for some 'side income' and called her work 'pay to play.' She was paid to 'escort' with wealthy men," the Democratic super PAC claimed. One of the clients who allegedly hired Boebert's services in Aspen, Colorado, was a Koch family member who introduced her to Ted Cruz, according to the PAC's sources.

American Muckrakers published redacted text messages with an anonymous source as evidence of Boebert's supposed escort work, a move defended by its co-founder and former senate candidate David Wheeler. "They're not anonymous to me," he told the Daily Mail. "I know who this individual is." Boebert denied the allegations and threatened legal action against the PAC. "This group's vile conduct demonstrates why people are fed up with politics. I am not going to stand by and pretend this is normal behavior," she told Fox News. has no records of Boebert ever using the website, CNN reported. While Boebert could have used an alias, American Muckrakers didn't post any evidence of her presence on the website aside from screenshots of messages shared by its unnamed source. Wheeler, however, told CNN he saw her profile, though he couldn't confirm its veracity. "Well, it's a picture that I've seen before, but I didn't verify that that was her picture," he said.

Lauren Boebert was accused of having two abortions

Along with its claim that she had worked in the sex industry, the American Muckrakers PAC also accused Lauren Boebert of having had two abortions. The second allegedly stemmed from her purported work as an escort in 2009 when she was 23, Newsweek reported. The first reportedly happened when she was 18, either in 2004 or 2005. "It is not known whether this abortion was related to clients or someone else," the PAC alleged.

The group also claimed the procedures were carried out at Planned Parenthood clinics, the first in Grand Junction and the second in Glenwood Springs. The accusations contrasted with Boebert's public views on abortion. The congresswoman is known for her radical pro-life stance, going so far as to glorify teen pregnancy. "My mom was 18 when she had me, which inspired me to be a mother when I was 18 years old," she told The Denver Post in 2023. When Boebert's oldest son Tyler became a dad at 18, she praised his decision.

But Boebert vehemently denied the claims and once again threatened to sue. "[She] is consulting her attorneys on next steps," her rep told Newsweek. In its fact-check, CNN contested the PAC's accusations, highlighting the lack of evidence of Boebert's supposed abortions. Besides, the timeline for the first procedure didn't fit. In March 2005, Boebert gave birth to Tyler, making it unlikely that she could have had an abortion that or the previous year.

Lauren Boebert reportedly cheated on her ex-husband

Lauren Boebert's conservative values were once again brought into question amid claims she had an affair with Christian singer Sean Feucht (pictured above). The accusations were brought forth by, you guessed it, the American Muckrakers PAC, in May 2024. According to the organization, it had received word that Boebert's split from longtime husband Jayson was partly due to infidelity. "The mystery boytoy could allegedly be Sean John Feucht AKA White Nationalist Kristian and a member of @PastorsForTrump," the group said in a tweet.

Boebert denied the claims but took them lighter than the PAC's previous allegations of escort work and abortions. Instead of threatening legal action, Boebert joked about Feucht's mane. "How can I be with a man with better hair than me?" she told the Daily Beast. Feucht, on the other hand, took the accusations a lot harder. "This is false. And it's defamatory. I'm giving everyone making this accusation 24 hours to retract and apologize. If you don't you'll hear from my lawyer," he tweeted in response to a Coffey Times Now tweet.

American Muckrakers never took down its tweet, and Feucht seemingly didn't follow through with his threat. But there also seems to be no evidence that anything romantic happened between the politician and the musician. However, cheating does seem to have played a role in the demise of Boebert's marriage. Amid their divorce, Jayson suggested as much. "I was unfaithful to Lauren in so many ways," he wrote on Facebook

Lauren Boebert was rumored to be a multimillionaire

The issue of Lauren Boebert's bank account has generated quite a bit of interest — and unsupported speculation. In December 2022, the controversial social media figure Erica Marsh claimed the congresswoman was worth $12 million and questioned how that could be. "Her previous work experience was as an Assistant Manager at a McDonald's. Where did she get all this money?" the account, which has since been deleted, tweeted. The tweet was shared far and wide. Boebert's rep debunked the claim to USA Today.

Her financial disclosures also didn't support the $12 million net worth, showing that her assets couldn't amount to much more than $100,000 at most. Her salary as a member of Congress is $174,000 a year. But rumors surrounding her wealth continued to circulate — and became even more inflated. Around the same time, an X account claimed Boebert was worth $41 million, which she had purportedly amassed in her first two years as a congresswoman. "How is that remotely possible?" the user questioned.

A Reddit user shared the tweet while adding that just Boebert's luxurious Florida home was worth more than $12 million, though she reportedly also owned five other properties in addition to a luxury yacht and four cars. Newsweek noted that the claims lacked supporting evidence. Boebert is actually worth a lot less. According to Celebrity Net Worth, she has about $400,000 to her name, including assets shared with her now ex-husband, a consultant earning up to $500,000 annually.

Lauren Boebert was accused of omitting big Ted Cruz donation

Supporters of Lauren Boebert have none other than Ted Cruz to thank for her political rise. At least, that's what American Muckrakers PAC claimed in 2022, according to the CNN fact-check. In addition to its claim that Boebert met Cruz through her work as an escort, the PAC also asserted that it was the Texas senator who encouraged her to run for office. To bolster his new friend's chances, Cruz reportedly donated at least $136,250 to her campaign as soon as she announced her bid in December 2019.

The PAC also claimed Boebert failed to disclose more than half of the donations. However, Boebert's rep told the outlet she only met Cruz after she had won the 2020 primary. CNN also pulled up data from the Federal Election Commission showing that she did disclose the two donations made by the Cruz 20 for 20 Fund amounting to $136,250. The website also showed the contributions were made in September 2020, not the previous year, as American Muckrakers claimed.

But the false allegations seem to have stuck. In June 2022, a photo that Boebert had previously posted of herself posing with Cruz (seen above) to X in January 2021 was altered and widely shared online. In this version, her MAGA hat with 45 across the front featured the dollar sign in front of the number, her hand was placed on Cruz's crotch, and a wad of cash was added to his hand.