Stormy Daniels Has A Fiery Take On Melania's Choice To Stay With Donald Trump

Stormy Daniels (real name Stephanie Clifford) has entered the group chat. Fresh off Donald Trump's stunning 34 felony count conviction, Daniels — Trump's alleged mistress and the direct recipient of the "hush money" payments the entire criminal trial hinged on — had a few choice words for Melania Trump. "I don't know what their agreement may or may not be, but Melania needs to leave him. Not because of what he did with me or other women but because he is a convicted felon," Daniels declared on June 6, 2024 during a no holds barred interview with The Daily Mirror. "It's been proven he is abusive; he was found liable for sexual assault and tax fraud and is now a criminal. He's neither Teflon Don nor Teflon Con anymore," she added.

Daniels went on to say that she believed Melania's choice to remain out of the courtroom was a choice she made as a mother. "You know, if it was the other way around, even if I wanted to support my spouse or my family member, I would choose the safety and privacy of my child over attending court," Daniels said. As you may recall, Daniels claims that she and the eventual POTUS met in July 2006 at a golf tournament and engaged in a sexual affair. Donald, however, vehemently denies that any such affair took place.

Donald Trump allegedly claimed that he and Melania Trump slept separately

This isn't the first time Stormy Daniels has spoken out about the model turned former first lady, Melania Trump, and Melania's marriage to Donald Trump. As reported by The Independent, Daniels testified under oath on May 7, 2024, that Trump was adamant that she need not worry about his marriage to Melania and claimed that they didn't "sleep in the same room."

Just in case you need a refresher, Donald wed Melania in January 2005 during a lavish ceremony at the Episcopal Church of Bethesda-By-the-Sea in Palm Beach, Florida, followed by an equally extravagant reception at Donald's famous and ultra-private Mar-a-Lago Club. Then, in March 2006, the couple welcomed a son together, Barron William Trump. While it's entirely possible that the still semi-newlyweds and parents had sought out separate sleeping quarters, we can't help but feel as though the math isn't exactly mathin' when it comes to Donald's alleged assertion to Daniels. We'll let you be the judge.

Donald Trump says Melania Trump is 'fine'

Alas, if Stormy Daniels was expecting some sort of response from the first lady regarding her fiery take, her efforts fell flat. The former first lady has continued to remain tight-lipped when it comes to her husband's alleged indiscretion and his subsequent felony convictions. Additionally, she was notably missing in action at her husband's criminal trial. 

In true fashion, however, Donald seemed all but too happy to speak for his wife during a pre-recorded interview with "Fox & Friends." When asked how Melania was doing, the former president said, "I have a wonderful wife who has to listen to this stuff all the time. She's fine. I think it's very tough on her, but she's fine." But that's not all. During a sit-down with Dr. Phil, when asked by the famous talk show host how Melania was holding up, the convicted felon and second time-presidential hopeful responded, "I think good but I don't think it's an easy thing for her. And I think if it wasn't good, she wouldn't want to tell me about it, to be honest, because she sees that I'm fighting like hell, I'm trying to become president and Make America Great Again." YIkes. How's that for accidentally confirming that Donald doesn't actually talk to Melania?!