Celebs And Politicians Who Absolutely Can't Stand Lara Trump

Lara Trump's controversial RNC takeover significantly raised her profile and made her a prime target of her father-in-law's opponents, both from the entertainment and political realms. Those worlds collided at the White House Correspondents Dinner, where Lara saw a sign that she'd become one of the right's most notable figures. Just like Donald Trump before her, she was the butt of a joke.

It's unclear whether "Saturday Night Live" cast member Colin Jost is actually a Lara hater or if he was just doing his job as the event's host when he mentioned her at "nerd prom," but what he said about the RNC co-chair was pretty brutal. "She recently released a cover of the song 'I Won't Back Down.' Upon hearing it, Tom Petty died again," he deadpanned. "I can't believe I'm saying this to a member of the Trump family, but maybe stick to politics."

Long before she became a subject of derision among the entertainment elite, one of Lara's first famous haters was reportedly the star she now has to work the hardest to dazzle. Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen claimed that Donald despised Lara at one time and did not want her to marry into the family. "Not only did Donald make fun of her looks, but so, of course, did Don and Ivanka," he said on the "Political Beatdown" podcast. (At least Eric Trump didn't participate in their gossip fests.) Lara eventually won over "The Apprentice" host, but she's since gained quite a few powerful foes.

Celebs have slammed Lara Trump on social media

Many of the stars who can't stand Donald Trump are active on X, formerly known as Twitter. They also regularly sound off about the Trump family members who support his political aspirations. Lara Trump has popped up in the crystal ball of "Hocus Pocus" star Bette Midler, who tweeted in 2021, "#LaraTrump got a show on #Fox! I'm not sure if it's full time or if she'll still have plenty of time to pursue her true passion; funneling money from dog charities into her father-in-law's pockets." This seemingly referred to a HuffPost report about the Big Dog Ranch Rescue spending almost $2 million to host charity events at properties owned by Donald. Lara was the intermediary between her father-in-law and the nonprofit, having once served as one of its chairpersons.

Another icon of the screen and stage set her sights on Lara in 2024. On X, Midler's fellow "Hello, Dolly!" star Barbra Streisand shared her theory about Lara's RNC gig. "[Donald] can't pay his legal bills so he installed his unqualified daughter-in-law at the RNC so he can use all the donations for his own multiple legal problems," she wrote.

Then there's Jedi knight Mark Hamill, who used the force of his fingertips to annihilate Lara's attempt at a singing career with a few swift strokes of the keyboard. In response to a video of Lara covering "I Won't Back Down," Hamill tweeted, "I weep for Tom Petty."

Former RNC chairs didn't like what they heard from her

Some of Lara Trump's most vocal critics from the political arena are Republicans who once held the position directly above hers within the RNC. It didn't sit well with former RNC chair Michael Steele when Lara told Newsmax that the committee would funnel all of its donors' funds into Donald's presidential campaign, leaving GOP members running for lesser offices with nothing to show for their Trump support aside from the MAGA hats on their heads. "Wrong answer. That is not the number one responsibility of the RNC," Steele said on MSNBC's "The Weekend." He then schooled Lara on her job duties, which include ensuring that she properly allocates money to Republican candidates in tight races and preparing a platform for them to run on.

On "MSNBC Reports," Steele also decried Lara's appointment as RNC co-chair, saying that she only got the gig because of her familial connection to Donald. "Otherwise, your behind would be sitting back at home. ... She is there to do what Trump wants her to do," he said.

Another former RNC chair, Marc Racicot, slammed Lara for shaming Republican Senate hopeful Larry Hogan because he wouldn't speak out against Donald's hush-money conviction. "[Hogan] doesn't deserve the respect of anyone in the Republican Party at this point," Lara had said on CNN's "State of the Union." Addressing Lara's remarks on CNN's "Newsnight," Racicot stated, "It was immature, it was contemptuous, and it was rude." 

She became a recurring Jimmy Kimmel target

Jimmy Kimmel's hatred for Donald Trump was well-documented when Lara Trump experienced her meteoric rise within the Republican party. Because Kimmel so closely follows what's going on with Donald, it was inevitable that Lara Trump would also become a source of material for his opening monologues on "Jimmy Kimmel Live."

Kimmel took aim at Lara after she dropped an original song titled "Anything Is Possible." After playing a snippet of the tune, Kimmel joked, "There she is, Taylor Not-Too-Swift." He then proved that one thing that was not possible was getting a good review of the song from Angelinos. An interviewer asked people on the street to share their opinions of the song, and one critic said, "She sounds sick. She sounds like she got a little phlegm or something." The other comments were just as brutal.

Kimmel mocked Lara's music career in another episode of his show, as well as her adulation for The Donald. "She is threatening to release one new song every week until she achieves her goal of marrying her father-in-law," he quipped. Poor Eric Trump. Kimmel even attacked Lara's appearance in another joke about her tendency to go overboard with the sycophancy. "[She] was on Fox News last night to lash out at Joe Biden and put those big new lips she has on daddy-in-law's a**," he said. Eric also got a shoutout when Kimmel reminded his audience that Lara's RNC career wouldn't be possible if she hadn't married a Trump.

Why Sully Sullenberger scolded Lara Trump

Former airplane captain Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger III, whose claim to fame is successfully landing a passenger jet on the Hudson River, took Lara Trump to task ahead of the 2020 presidential election. His issue was with comments Lara made during a campaign event. She appeared to hit Joe Biden with a low blow by ridiculing his stutter. "I'm like, 'Joe, can you get it out? Let's get the words out, Joe.' You kinda feel bad for him," she said (via Aaron Rupar on X).

The man behind the Miracle on the Hudson found it reprehensible that Trump would attack Biden for a speech impediment. In a column for The New York Times [archived link], Sullenberger revealed that he also has a stutter. He shared that Lara's cruel words reminded him of how horrible it felt to be mocked for the way he talked, and he delivered a message to her: "Stop. Grow up. Show some decency. People who can't have no place in public life." Sullenberger's piece included plenty of praise for Biden, who speaks often about his speech impediment. Biden thanked the retired pilot for his kind words on X, also writing, "Being different isn't a barrier to success. It can give you the strength to save lives in a crash landing — or even run for President." 

Trump later claimed on "State of the Union" that what she was really making fun of was Biden's mental faculties, which host Jake Tapper didn't buy.

Joy Behar mocked Lara Trump's lips

Lara Trump best be able to take it as well as she can dish it because after she poked fun at the way Joe Biden talks, she got roasted for her manner of speaking. Joy Behar delivered the jibe during a March 2024 episode of "The View." After watching a clip of Lara suggesting that her party was finally prepared to move on from the 2020 election — which Donald would decry as "rigged" three months later — Behar observed, "She speaks out of both sides of her lips." Her mean-girling gave the audience and her co-host Whoopi Goldberg a good laugh. Behar then grinned and said, "Was that wrong of me?"

During another episode of "The View," Behar expressed dismay over a throwback photo of her posing with Lara and Eric Trump. "I saw the picture, and I thought, 'I have to go into rehab now,'" she joked (via TheWrap). She made sure to note that it was taken long before the Trump family's White House takeover.

Behar did express some sympathy for Lara during the government shutdown in 2019. Lara had suggested that the government employees being forced to go without pay were making their unwilling, painful sacrifice for the greater good. [4:15] "She's married to [Eric]. She knows pain," Behar quipped.